Can you spot the circular reasoning here?

by DATA-DOG 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    When I used to read the Bible on a regular basis, I loved "Paul's" writings. Now....mmmm??? Anyway, can you see what is actually being said in the following passage?

    " If anyone thinks he is a prophet or is gifted with the spirit, he must acknowledge that the things I am writing to you are the Lord's commandment. 38 But if anyone disregards this, he will be disregarded." 1 CORINTHIANS 14:37,38 RNWT


  • stuckinarut2


    "beleive all that I write, as I am directed by god, and if you don't beleive me then you don't beleive in god and you will be punished...."

    Close enough?


    LOL! Yeah that's part of it. It seems he is saying," I am inspired of God because I say so. If YOU are inspired of God, then you will prove it by saying that I am inspired of God. Otherwise, you are not inspired of God like I am, because if you were REALLY inspired of God, you would say that I was."

    Makes sense, right. No wonder the GB are so bat-shit crazy. They say," We are the Channel of God. If you were REALLY anointed, you would give witness to the FACT that we are the channel, thereby proving that you are a "true Christian." Since you don't acknowledge our position that we claim to have, you can't be a "true Christian" because all "true Christians" recognize that we say comes from Jeehoober. Why? Because we say so."


  • stuckinarut2

    Yes indeed DD!

    If it wasn't so true, it would be funny.......

  • Ucantnome

    i think Paul demonstrated he had God's spirit (Acts:19:11) and he raised a man who died.

  • stuckinarut2

    Paul TOLD US he had gods spirit, yes....

    I could tell you I have 6 arms too, and even write about it in my own book....but that doesn't make it true....


    Even if what Paul wrote was really true, the GB are still condemned, because they ignore the context of Paul's writings. It's a deplorable situation. If the Bible is made up, the GB are liars and hypocrites. If it's true, they are liars and hypocrites.

    Anyway, Paul seem to have issues letting go of his Pharisaic tendencies. He likes to command things and say they are from The Lord. Then he will say other commands are not from the Lord, but they are sometimes...


  • J.C.

    No. He says Anyone. Not just himself. In essence. He is sayng if anyone is gifted they should acknowledge it comes from Jesus. Not oneself. If they bring attention to themselves. They will be ignored.

  • designs

    Paul was many things, most of which were controlling, manipulative, ego-centric. Clergy love him.


    So Paul wasn't saying that ANYONE who claimed to be gifted had to acknowledge his writings as gifted?? I'm confused.


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