As the regional convention ended in Indianapolis, Mark Sanderson invited all the international delegates to come out onto the field for the final song. As they walked out, they all held a white handkerchief aloft as they waved. Some in the audience waved a white cloth in return. Overall the effect was a good one, but what struck me as interesting is that this is a practice that was common in the early Bible Student conventions pre-1916. I remember reading about it before (don't remember where exactly), where it was called the 'Chautauqua salute'. I later found that it originated in the Chautauqua movement from upstate NY in the same time period. It is curious that they would bring back a Bible Student custom like that (I think Rutherford purged that one like he did so many others). Anyone else notice this?
Chautauqua Salute makes a comeback at the Indianapolis Regional convention 7/13/14
by dropoffyourkeylee 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I wonder if this will become commonplace. It is very ceremonial and reminds me of the Catholic Church.
It would be interesting to find out the reasoning as to why it was originally dropped as a practice by the JWs.
Here is the history of this salute
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
I thought that was the universal sign for surrender. Certainly, everyone at the IC surrendered time, money, and brainpower in order to attend that mess.
I believe they are trying to find methods of 'branding' themselve.
JW org and also the return of musicical instruments, they have
read the descriptions ex-jws have made of the dreary nazi like
meetings and regimented, souless and redundant atmosphere
in the KH and they are trying to increase the sense of 'belonging'
"this is my people" " I love the organization" Its like a political party,
or a national identity, a brand loyalty, it needs symbols, the jw org
website is a symbol for them, then the objects, the white flags, hats,
pins. Its a marketing strategy. They want to go from weirdos to being cool.
The doctrines will become secondary and changing them all the time
will be a form of expectation, as it always has been. Less books will
leave less track record and less of a paper trail, they can just update
the web site and pretend last years false prophesy, never existed.
I think they are trying to find a way to get money flowing
in without having to produce magazines, they already have
reduced them in pages and issues. They also reduced field service.
Next they will increase the entertainment. Once those pledges are
signed they will see the value of retention and eliminate disfellowshipping.
Then they will form softball teams and bring back congregation picnics and
even add all witness cruise ships. They may even do some actual charity work.
I personally hope the Witnesses get even more restrictive and less enjoyable.....make it as dreary as possible. That just might wake a greater number up and cause them to jump ship. So no congregation picnics, no weekly book study in private homes, no birthdays, no toasts......nothing!!! Hopefully the GB will be dumb enough to continue making life in the Witnesses a stagnant Hell on Earth.
I found a source which mentions the Chautauqua Salute in numerous places. It evidently was very common in the 1910-1916 period.
Here are a few short excerpts mentioning it in various Convention Reports which can be found easily by searching the pdf:
...Address of Welcome
AT 11 o'clock Brother Russell came on the platform and was
greeted with the Chautauqua salute, which he returned, while all
joined in singing, "Blest Be the Tie That Binds."...... There were about 250 present.
Brother Ward said: I know just how you all feel, you would like
to shake hands with Brother Russell. As we waved Brother
Russell off, so we will wave him here. (The Chautauqua salute
was given.)
Brother Russell:--I will wave mine in return.
Then after singing one or two more hymns the Chairman
introduced Brother Russell,...... As he came on the platform all the
congregation rose, gave the Chautauqua salute and sang one
verse of "Blest be the Tie that Binds."......, Brother Russell arrived at the
hall and was warmly greeted with the Chautauqua salute and
singing of hymn No. 23. Brother Russell then addressed the
friends as follows:....This is a practice which has been hardly mentioned on this site, and for it to be brought back in this summer's convention is remarkable.
It is interesting that it is a "salute" of sorts to a person. Saluting is (or was) frowned on by the witnesses. Military saluting (to higher ranks) is viewed as idolatrous. And tipping of the hat to a lady was also viewed as giving undo attention to her. It would be interesting if future magazines that report on this describe it as some sort of 'send-off' by the crowd for the GB speaker, as if it was spontaneous.
They could wave their undies at Sanderson instead.
Though Tom Jones he ain't!
They could Sparrowdown but it might take a while to pull their tight pants off.
Thanks for your research Dropoffyourkeylee. It's just great to see the tradition's of men resurrected in our current times.