I hate self-promotion. But every time I put something out there on the internet, and then promote it, some part of me feels ashamed for drawing attention to myself. It’s really not about me. I don’t want to draw “followers” or make a name for myself, and I certainly don’t want to take a cent from anyone.
I want to assist JWs who are just beginning their path of research so that they can begin a healthier path of their choosing--if they choose to do so. Or maybe there are former JWs who still wonder if they have “left the truth” and walk around in a cloud of gloom and doom.
I remember what it was like in the beginning. I didn’t know who to trust or where to begin. I certainly don’t want JWs to take my word for it, but point them toward areas for them to do their own research. I’m definitely not infallible or claiming to be God’s mouthpiece. Also, I don’t claim to any greatness or specialness--there are better resources out there than mine. But, the more resources out there, the better!
2014 is being promoted as a year of special significance: 100 years since 1914. Next year will be 40 years since 1975. During these next few years, some Jehovah’s Witnesses will be looking for answers and I hope that some of this research can be of some assistance to a few of them. Perhaps some will wonder: was 1914 the start of the last days? Was Jerusalem destroyed in 607 BC? What are the Gentile Times? Is the Generation two overlapping groups? Who is the Faithful Slave?
I never intended to write articles, never imagined making videos or framing a website around them. I’m a very shy person. I don’t like the sound of my voice and as a consequence, don’t even like talking on the phone. In the beginning, I really just wanted to sit down with a few close friends and family and share what I found, that is, with the people I cared about the most. Unfortunately, it was not to be, for they wouldn’t give a listening ear.
Therefore, what I had to share, I decided share with everyone who would hear. I spent many evenings and weekends on this endeavor. So as not to that to go to waste, unfortunately, I have to be somewhat “self-promoting” from time to time. I do ask the folks on JWN, in particular, the long-timers, to be patient with me.