Stephen Lett: Crazy Old Kook or Just Really Bad Actor?

by Wild_Thing 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • smiddy

    Hey ! , the longer Lett does these video`s the better , no sane person would join this religion after seeing him in one of their productions.

    Don`t make life easier for them by bagging him guys , the longer he`s their the less recruits they will make.


  • Giordano

    In terms of what they are saying it appears that they have no real message any longer ....if they ever did..

    The new truth seems to be personal opinions and speculation.

    The Society has always been an embarrassment from day one. Everything they teach has been dropped.....out of print or filed under 'Nevermind'.

  • Vidiot

    cappytan - "Lett seems so contrived, so exaggerated in his mannerisms."

    My 80+ year old Mom was visiting, and she's so hard of hearing that I have to slow down and ee-nunnn-ciii-aaate every single thing I say.

    I'm happy to do it for her - I'm not a monster, after all - but it does get tedious pretty quickly.

    The really weird part was suddenly realizing that I was talking like Stephen Lett.


    Plus side; it helped me realize why older JWs like his videos so much... they can actually hear and understand him.

    Prologos is right; this stuff is for the benefit of die-hard - and usually older - rank-and-filers who otherwise would feel too weirded out by the WTS's recent embrace of modern technology.

  • Vidiot

    @ Brokeback WT...


    Now I'm picturing Lett saying "straaanger daaaanger" over and over and over again...

    Thanks for that.

  • Ding

    How would you like to attend meetings with him on a regular basis?

    Don't you wonder about why he was chosen to be on the GB?

  • sir82

    Every time my wife sees him, she busts out laughing and says "he acts like Red Skelton".

    "This month's JW TV broadcast is brought to you by Guzzler's Gin.....smooooooooth!"

  • punkofnice
    What kind of person gets on the Governing Body? I don't know if Lett is a bad actor or a nutter. All I can conclude is, he's on the GB so must be happy to protect paedophiles. He is complicit in their perversion because of this.
  • hoser

    I see him as a fake. Narcissists, sociopaths have no feeling of true emotion. You can tell by looking for a delay in facial expression when emotions are involved.

    I see this in Lett. He is void of any true emotion. His facial expressions of emotion are all made up. He doesn't really feel the emotions.

  • SoCal101
    Same can be asked of Pee-Wee Herman, crazy kook or bad actor?!
  • Finkelstein

    The overly emotive facial expressions is from the WTS perspective highly valued for the WTS and is very much about attracting and reaching people's emotions, distant from attracting intellectual thought of course.

    Thats why Lett gets chosen to speak the deceiving lies and half truths the rest of the GB wants out and propagated.

    He looks so zealous and sincere doesn't he good old brother Lett.

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