Beards......the CO allowed this one!

by punkofnice 60 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • KateWild

    Nice pic Tim.....proves a point...control but some can get away with breaking the unwritten's like the YMCA thread a while ago. Kate xx

  • Focus

    (1) Prophets have beards. All the cartoons and comics say so, so it must be so.

    (2) "Prophets" do not have beards. 'cos the Watchtower Sicksiety says so.

    The WTS only changes for one or other of two reasons - fear (of lawsuits and losing money) and greed (infecting more victims, creating some new zaniness to differentiate themselves from the sane majority).



    (Anti-"Prophet" Class)

  • Vidiot

    Focus - "...creating some new zaniness to differentiate themselves from the sane majority."

    Ironic, really.

    In its 120+ years of existence, the WTS has bent so far over backward in its effort to look different from Christendom/Catholicism, that it has - in many ways - come full circle and is now, for all intents and purposes, a weird little mirror-universe version of it.

  • TJ Curioso
    TJ Curioso

    In Portugal is a NO NO... but in other countries in europe is OK... stupid laws from man... men traditions as Jesus as said.

  • BluesBrother

    It is not unusual too have a beard today.....well, perhaps it is unusual but not rare. The ban on beards has well gone. I know a M/S who has a neat beard , he has had it for years.

    I think it is a "local discretion " issue. if a cong had a thing about beards, a lot of grumpy old "sisters" who complained and a body of dozos, I do not suppose the C/O would force them to accept it

  • freddo

    In our circuit (England) there is a CBE with a beard. Quite a few elders too. They don't get allowed on the assembly program though but most congregations allow a beard for a visiting speaker.

  • bigmac

    best to wear a false beard. then the sisters can join in too.

  • Bye bye birdie
    Bye bye birdie

    All that would have to happen for beards to be allowed is for one of the glorious governing body members to sport one next annual meeting.

    maybe that is the next new light..... Send all savings on razors to Bethel.

    the slogan can be "The New World is Razor Close"

    it is a cutting edge idea.

    ha...lots of bad jokes up my sleeve

  • steve2

    Allowing brothers to have beards is conceivably on the cards. But again, notice the inconsistency: Sisters will likely nerve be allowed to have beards and remain in good standing. I despair at the inequality.

  • Quarterback

    We have a brother who wears a beard in our cong. but, he has no privilledges. He looks like ZZTop. He is not a "Well dressed man". He stares at the sisters, "Legs". He refuses to take off his "Sun glasses".

    We also have a sister that has a beard, too. She also has no privilledges.

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