TODAY I published my book THE MONORAILS of MARS the first JW sci-fi
by Terry 46 Replies latest jw friends
Finally got to see a copy of my own book!
The cover is looking good.
I wish I was looking good :)
Pams girl
Looking great Terry!
Your book is now on my Christmas 2014 list on Amazon........hubby will be carefully wrapping it, and I look forward to a gripping read whilst sipping my egg nog and chewing on a mince pie!
Thanks, PAM'S GIRL!
One of my Beta-readers sent me this e-mail. I'm walking on a cloud after reading it.
(I snipped for brevity.)_____________________________________________________________________
Hi Terry, I saw one of the book reviews you posted on an exjw site, pretty awesome. Instead of me giving you my feedback, I wanted to relate an unusual experience that happened this week.
I think it is a lot better than giving you my opinion.**
I had gotten a call from a couple of friends I made while attending the University of Texas in El Paso a few years back. They wanted to get together and shoot the breeze and catch up on things.
I was early and to my surprise the library was open. Some professors were having some type of pow- wow. I quietly walked to the lounge area and sat down and opened my laptop and continued reading your book, M. of Mars. Yes it’s a little embarrassing, I was the only one with a laptop, and everyone else had an iPod or a Surface pro.**
One of the professors sat by me with his coffee and a newspaper and started shooting the breeze. He was a History Professor working part-time for the summer. He saw my laptop and asked me if I liked dinosaurs. He asked if he could borrow it and jokingly said “I think my grandfather had one like this”.
He saw one of the alien pictures of your book and asked me what I was reading. I told him and at the same time my friends walked in. My friends and I moved over to the next couch and the professor kept reading on my laptop. About two and a half hours later my friends had to leave and I walked over to get my laptop from the professor. The professor starting asking me all kinds of questions.**
First question, Isn’t Charles Russell, some Jehovah Witness guy? So I started relating the “behind the scenes story” I was there for about two more hours explaining Jehovah’s Witness, the WTS, your experience, and everything related to that. The professor had very little knowledge of Jehovah’s Witness. He said that they probably knocked on his door about twice in all his life he has never accepted any literature from them. He was always too busy going to school working on his PhD. He asked me for your name and the two books you have published.**
Then he said this, I will sum it up as best as I can remember. “Your friend is an excellent writer. He has the earmarks of a novelist. He has the imagination to write fiction and nonfiction which becomes very evident in this book. He has the intellectual ability to write just as well as Tom Clancy if he applies himself. The only thing he needs is to get some advice from someone who has experience in marketing books to give him some direction. That would be the only thing he needs from what I see. He needs to get out of the little JW or EXjw pond and start reeling in the sophisticated readers found in the ocean.”
I told him if he ever wants to know more about JWS, there is plenty of information on the internet. He responded with the words, “ I have no time for religion and all the crock that comes with it, but I would like to finish that book and the other one your friend has published.” I told him he could get it at Amazon or Lulu.
I think these comments coming from a History professor whom I really didn’t know, (so he wasn’t trying to impress me) and who read your book for about 2 hours and whom I assume is going to buy both your books, were better than anything I could express.___________________________________ SNIP__________________________________
This makes me feel like a chocolate sundae!