One of my older sisters and husband did that until their early 80s.
Would like all of your imput on this. Please
by Still Totally ADD 41 Replies latest jw friends
That sounds like it would be very fun. I love herbs also, I have been expanding into more herbs and veggies this year. I have a small "New urban" size lot, but it's amazing what you can do even so. I made a three feet by two fee raised planter, which I thought was pretty big, but the two tomatoes and squash I put in quickly grew to dwarf the box. I have never had tomatoes get that big.
I would have a hard time living in an RV, I am a homebody, but if that appeals to you, why not? My husband will be returning in a few years, he plans to cash out his unused sick leave and go on a European trip, I am looking forward to that.
I knew a family that did that. He owned his own business, they took off for a year and saw every state in the US, via RV.
finally awake
As an owner of an old camper, I recommend *not* buying a motorhome. I suggest that you might be happier with a towed camper or fifth wheel and a pickup truck. Towed campers are a lot cheaper than motorhomes, plus you can get used models without worrying about the engine blowing up. Our camper is nearly 40 years old, hasn't really had a lot of work done on the mechanicals since we bought it 10 years ago. We've got less than $10K in it, and it's plenty big for 2 people to live in.
I'm doing okay, TotallyADD; thanks for asking. You could still do what I've advised, except you could rent or sell the Florida house.
I say go for it. Sounds like a great you'll always be glad you embarked on. All the best.
Over 60 heading for 70 ? This is a time for a stable secure base.
Travel is great, but to expect to make real income from teaching
gardening along the way, is not realistic. I am confused, since you
own your house and will get pensions, why you have to sell anything?
You buy a used RV and thats your only home in yourr 60's and 70's ?
Have you ever even tried doing this for a single month?
The reality of living in vehicle that requires repair and gasoline
and needs a $50-$65 a night hook-up, just so you can
use the shower and toilet, may wear thin after a month or so
on the road and going from trailer park to trailer park.
30 days X $65 a night =$1,950 a month just to have
a bed and a toilet and shelter? and that does not include gasoline
at $4 a gallon. 10 miles per gallon @ 100 miles a day will cost $1,200
a month in GAS ---- so thats $1,950 for hook-up parking and $1,200 for
gas to go from town to town ? And if this vehicle breaks down ?
Or you get sick ? Where do you go ? Think about it.
Take a trip for three months on the road. See how you like it.
And then recalculate.
What an adventure. Pehaps when you get those odd jobs you can put a little bit away into a savings for when you decide to stop so that you would have some funds.
I like EndofMysteries advice. You can have your cake and eat it too.
If you want to try renting out your house try I hae used it to go on vacation and really like the service. It can give you an idea of what it is like/ what is involed in renting out your house.
We have that goal. My husband is retired but doing part-time jobs and we save his salary. We are waiting until I qualify for Medicare in a couple of years and then we pay for it out of our sick leave escrow account. We aren't going to get a huge RV. Try rv'ing now and find out how you can downsize and look online for a DB of those who are doing this. Develop a business that you can do online and while you travel to supplement any retirement. We have a small rv and each time we use it we realize how we have too much stuff.
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