Having been to the Spanish congregation, an all black congregation and a black church (oh the horror), this post is 100% accurate. When u first went to my aunt's church, I was bewildered, yet entertained. Everyone was so lively, and so many people would about out their agreement from their seat. I like it because that told me they were genuinely believing what they heard. Not to mention, most were pretty nice,al awesome people. Sure you have the nosy gossipers and judgmental Judy's. Buy everyone was real. What you saw was what you got, and I appreciate that. Ever since, I can't stand how subdued the KH is and how the dubs talk shit about people shouting their praises in church.
I went to the Spanish congregation in my old city for a couple of weekends and went to a ton of gatherings. Beautiful music and a ton of dancing. No one complained, and the atmosphere was so relaxing. You could even dance with the opposite sex and no one raised an eyebrow. I was in love.
My current cong is mostly black, but it is cliquey and kind of snooty and uptight. My old one, was pretty fun. Many of the people were so sweet and put a lot of emphasis on family values, so I knew a few who had DF or inactive family yet still kept in contact with them. The environment was pretty relaxing, engaging and forgiving.
And this is why "I don't like the people at the hall." is a legitimate excuse for not attending. The people can make or break your experience and determine if you still want to bother.