Well done. You should suggest that he sign up here, I'm sure he'd get a warm welcome and lots of advice and empathy on dealing with his awakening and the resulting family issues.
I'm sitting here listening to a JW try to recruit somebody
by Terry 127 Replies latest jw friends
Well, I'd feel that was a bit of a recruitment on my part.
Hard to explain.
I prefer letting him settle wherever he feels most comfortable.
Am I paranoid or what?
You did awesome Terry!!
The best thing that you can do is help him to learn how to critically think for himself and how to integrate into the non-WTBTS world.
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,
Some situations are extremely hard to handle from inside the Kingdom Hall once you wake up.
The overwhelming strangulation of imposed AUTHORITY becomes unbearable.
Once you've seen the discrepant foundation of Organizational Authority--the pill is hard to swallow.
I'm sure the Bible Students felt the same way in 1917 when the irrepressible Judge Rutherford began stomping
on toes. Sure enough, 2/3 left.
The ones who stayed on no matter what truly BELIEVED the "channel" of 'truth' would follow whatever tyrant came forward
to claim the head of the table.
Jordan will be tested in a crucible of pressure, threats, and demands for loyalty.
He will need more than critical thinking. He will need personal courage.
I believe he has that. I'm not worried.
dear Terry...
you said, "I'm not worried."...
well maybe you should be. It sounds to me like your protege has already developed a "God sized hole" he's filling with "information" and you.
would you consider suggesting he continue reading his bible as that will be the constant in his tumult?
love michelle
I don't contact him unless he sends me a text or shows up at Starbucks when I am there writing.
I am a response support and don't want to be a stimulus or squadron leader.
It is his life and I think he is smart enough to figure things out. If he seeks my advise I will
offer it couched in the disclaimer: "Don't believe anything I tell you without researching it for yourself."
I understand that you want to remain neutral about "God stuff". I just wonder if you haven't done what you cautioned him against, ie: taking something away with nothing to replace it with. "I also explained, "When you open people's eyes up to the betrayal of trust you HARM THEM by taking away their safety net and destroy their WORLD! You inflict a wound! What are you prepared to REPLACE that with? Are you going to tell them to go to a Baptist Church, or become an atheist? You see, they have to SEE THE NEED TO GET OUT as survival of sanity. That's the only way which works."...
When you overheard the initial conversation and made the decision to step in it wasn't a question of his survival of sanity...
judging from what you've written so far I think that perhaps you and he don't share the same perception of the dynamics of your "relationship"...I hope that everything turns out all right and he isn't brought to psychological harm by what can only become an increasing void once his trust of others, familial relationships and friends are seen as "conditional"...
All I'm saying is this: It wouldn't hurt to be reminded that he has faith in someone and he can maintain that connection in a tangible way (when other thoughts and circumstances are chaotic) by reading his bible. you did it yourself in prison...it may be his only safety net.
love michelle
I have no illusions or delusions that I am in control.
Conscience did not permit me to sit still and not intrude. I did not WANT to jump in, believe me, I was extremely
uncomfortable doing so. It was a compulsion I cannot clearly explain to myself or to anybody else.
So too, I'm doing the best I can to follow similar principle to the so-called Hippocratic Oath: "First of all, do no harm."
I can't pretend to control outcome from a person of Free Will (if there be such.)
I am a reluctant advisor. I answer questions with many warnings and disclaimers as I go along.
I really don't see what else I can do. Maybe you do--but then,you're not me.
I don't see any reason why this kid can't seek out a new religion after fully grasping TTATT. I don't think he needs to be physically pushed towards a church in order to have that as an option in his life. I would only be concerned if Terry were insisting that, as a necessary part of TTATT, he also adopt an atheistic stance. Ultimately if this guy has a religious leaning, I think he will find a new faith for himself.
I'm curious to why why many exJWs insist on someone fulfilling their empty void after leaving the cult, for another religion?
It's trading a drug for another drug.
Why not therapy instead? Getting to the bottom of their issues and figuring out and healing their need to trade a drug for another drug.