Please help me destroy the logic of October 2014 Conversation With a Neighbor.

by kneehighmiah 43 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • kneehighmiah

    This has got to be a joke. Anyone with half a brain would destroy the logical fallicies in this article. I'm ashamed I once believed anything these frauds taught.

  • baltar447

    Is this even for fucking real?????!?!!!!!

  • baltar447

    I feel like I'm taking crazy pills!!!!!!


    The article never really answers the central question, WHERE in the Bible is 1914 mentioned? It get sidetracked into a discussion of the book of Daniel. But never really gets back to the main question that was asked. Just because some Bible Students in the late1800s 'discerned' that somehow 1914 was the start of Kingdon rule, doesn't mean that's what the BIBLE really says. It's all just idle speculation and supposition. The article seems to be written to appeal to those with lower-than-average intellects. Of course that means JWs will believe every word of it.

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    I'm ashamed I once believed anything these frauds taught.

    Me too. I deserve a good kick in the nuts for not doing due dilligence much much earlier....

  • kneehighmiah

    I believe the writing department is just trolling at this point. This is some hilarious stuff. They are basically saying they don't want any new converts with an IQ over 50.

  • A.proclaimer

    1) Daniel 12:8 is in a completely different context that has nothing to do with Daniel 4 unless you initially assume Daniel 4 has a double future meaning.

    2) weak reason given for Daniel 4:17 indicating a second meaning; the expression "so that people living may know that the Most High is Ruler in the Kingdom of mankind and that he gives it to whom ever he wants". It does point to God but the point of that prophecy was for Nebuchadnezzar to recognize it.

    3) not all of the book of Daniel talks about God's Kingdom. Even the chapters before and after Daniel 4 have nothing to do with it. Chapter 3 is the firey furnace and chapter 5 is the handwriting on the wall.

    4) the JW of the story jumps to different texts and chapters that are not related to the event in Daniel 4 to say that Daniel 4 has to have a second fulfillment.

    5) no reason why Luke 21:24 is connected to Daniel 4, other than pulling it out of context and applying it there.

    6) Omits fact that the Bible Students believed 1914 to be the end of the world, Gentiles ended in October whereas the war began months beforehand. But in all fairness to the article, any JW wouldn't know or even think of that.

    7) Jerusalem didn't fall in 607 bce, it fell in 586/587 bce but that's another lengthy subject to talk about.

    Things to note: the "What Does the Bible Really Teach" book and other literature by the Watchtower give the reason that Daniel 4 has a second fulfillment because of the tree. They say that trees often represent individuals or Kingdoms, and that in this case it representa God's kingdom. But this reason wasn't even mentioned in this article, it just jumps to the idea. The person is never invited to read all of Daniel 4 to get to the actual feel of the context, and to have a chance to evaluate. I also noticed that the article and information always refer to the fact that Nebuchadnezzar had his rulership removed for "7 times", yet the reason for that is hardly ever discussed which could help get a better picture of the chapter.

  • steve2

    The "neighbor" (I.e., new buzzword for "householder" but "neighbor" sounds cosier) went to an online Bible to find 1914 and couldn't find it. Duh!

    He's the ideal Witness convert.

    Why didn't this neighborly dullard put 1914 into an internet search engine with the tag Jehovah's Witnesses? That would have turned up some interesting readings!

    But no, he swallows what the Witness says hook, line and sinker. The Witness does an astonishingly superficial job at answering the question and then says, that's a lot to take in. Correction: that's a lot of rubbish to take in. If a "neighbor" is that thick, he deserves to be taken in by the Watchtower's shoddy apologetics. The "ideal" prospective Witness: Predictable lined up questions to show off the Witness's selective knowledge.

  • A.proclaimer

    Good point Steve2, anyone today would search up a topics or idea on google if they can't find the answer, its just common sense. Good luck on having any support for "1914 Jehovah's Witness" on the first search page, aside from the one link.

  • defender of truth
    defender of truth

    Jon:"In fact, I dug around a little more and found some information about 1914 in this book we’ve been studying."
    Hopelessly-honest JW:"Well, that's a relief! Most people would have google'd jehovahs witnesses 1914 and found a wealth of fascinating information regarding our false prophecies, and even the various historical revisions the Watchtower makes when referring to what we used to teach. I sure am glad that your idea of digging for information is confined to reading one of our books. You will be a Model Bible Study."

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