Watchtower quote generator, what I have so far, looking for suggestions choose one from each section: -
All lovers of God
Conscientious Christians
Lovers of richeousness
Mature Christians
Those seeking to please Jehovah
Faithful ones Honest hearted ones
Seekers of righteousness
Should consider
Should note
Wisely think
Have learned
doubtless know
very likely remember
Clearly know do well to recall
What the apostle Paul
what the bible
what ancient bible writers
what faithful men of old
what Jesus
what Jehovah
what the counsel of God's Word
what God's law
what the scriptures
wisely states,
informs us,
tells us to our benefit,
shows us
wants us to know,
lovingly warns us,
that Satan is out to get us.
that the whole world is passing away.
that this system is lying in the power of the wicked one.
that wicked spirits seek to mislead us.
that we all sin and fall short.
that Jehovah will destroy evildoers.
that the time left is reduced
For example,
note that,
We should consider that
Notice that
Be assured that
You are wise to consider that,
Little wonder that,
to please God,
to survive into the promised New system,
to be approved by Jehovah,
to be counted as a loyal one,
to take a stand for pure worship,
to survive the coming destruction,
mature Christians
loyal servants of Jah
faithful Christians
true Christians
those who seek to please Jehovah
honest hearted ones
sheeplike ones
Christians like Andre
always remember to
faithfully strive to
resolve to
lovingly seek to
never forget to
work to
never fail to
in a heartfelt way
pray to Jehovah every day.
put God's kingdom first.
resist the temptations of this world.
not lean on their own understanding.
take a stand on Jehovah's side.
choose the right course in life.
to follow the direction of God's approved channel,
obey the faithful and discrete slave.
manifest the fruitage of the spirit.
Show genuine love.
faithfully attend all Christian meetings
Never fail to engage in the Christian ministry each month