Well, duh.
The Anglo-American world power? The one the WTS says will be the last? Hello?
Would be the possiblity of world peace be something trivial? Do we abandon this hope along with the cult?
And the Israelis? Are you joking? Are you aware of the Israeli lobby's efforts to get the US to start yet another war - with Iran? That they tried to get 70 Senators votes (Menendez-Kirk bill) to derail peace talks with Iran (not my characterization, what the White house said) ?
Is the movement to sanction Israel as an apartheid state now entering the mainstream - outside of Muslim influence? Has the US Secretary of State warned them that this is happening?
Who is the primary teacher and exporter of jihadist terror in the world? Not Iran...... it's Saudi Arabia (supposed ally of the US)
Why are 3 Congressmen demanding that the government declassify 28 pages on Who Is Responsible For 9/11? Because they were shocked and appalled by its contents - rumored to identify Saudi Arabia as the direct culprit.
War after war after war and endless suffering in the Middle East - caused by religious extremists in Islam and Zionism - and their troublemaking. Add to this the heartless greed of the US military-industrial complex (Thank you, President Eisenhower for saying what needed to be said) - now trying to start yet another pointless war with Russia.
Are we, on this board, capable of understanding what religious-based exclusion and hate can cause?