The Watchtower Society knows exactly what they're doing and the impression it leaves on young minds.
Who can forget "My Book of Bible Stories" with the picture of the flood, and the mother holding on to an infant about to die a drowning death?

Lot's wife was also a prominent story in that book with her turned into a pillar of salt well illustrated along with a fire background of destruction, while Lot and his daughters who obeyed the Watchtower Jehovah and did everything exactly the way the Watchtower Jehovah stated, were saved.

Never mind they'll later get daddy drunk, have sex with him, and he supposedly couldn't (didn't want to?) stop them; however, that's a whole different story [Genesis 19:30-36].
It's all to build fear as earlier as possible regarding leaving the Watchtower organization. Children see Lot's death well illustrated and it places in their mind (sub) consciously, "If I leave Jehovah's Witnesses, this will happen to me (at Armageddon)" much stronger than some words on a page.