I suspect you know the answer you'll get from the athiests on the forum, so I'll skip that part.
I don't know if I would completely call the bible fake, despite my personal views on religion. It certainly has some accurate (and some otherwise) historical information, and it definitely has some useful (and some otherwise) guidance on how to live your life in a moral way that will make you happy. Many christians would point to the 'timeless guidance' that it contains as proof of divine backing, but I suspect that any sufficiently large book of personal stories that's been groomed for centuries would likely contain similarly valuable pearls of wisdom.
As the phrase goes, don't throw the baby out with the bath water. The bible has some good advice as well as some great examples showing how far humankind has come over the years. Like anything, read it with a grain of salt and a critical eye.
I would say, though, that the costs that the bible has imposed upon mankind (particularly the dark ages, as we'd be about a thousand years ahead technologically speaking if the church hadn't put such a damper on any scientific understanding) likely outweigh any moral guidance that it has provided.