My mother was receiving government assistance (which she was entitled to as a single parent of a child with a disability), but it was not enough to live on. Still, she pioneered, put money in the contribution box every week, and occasionally got an underpayed job as a house cleaner. Sometimes we would walk the roughly 10km to the meetings because we couldn't aford to put petrol in the car. But usually, we would go without other things we needed so that she could aford the petrol, because she was always the one to do the round of the nursing homes to take all the old people to the meetings.
Praise For Witnesses On Welfare Who Full Time Pioneer!
by minimus 41 Replies latest jw friends
JT speaks-out
Also, these scammers make it harder for those of us who have no choice but to be on some sort of assistance.
Isn't that one of the dollar amounts the WTS publishes, how much annually they spend on special pioneers, COs, DOs, etc.?
*** yb12 p. 55 2011 Grand Totals ***
During the 2011 service year, Jehovah’s Witnesses spent over $173 million in caring for special pioneers, missionaries, and traveling overseers in their field service assignments.
*** yb89 p. 13 1989 Yearbook of Jehovah’s Witnesses ***
In a country in Africa where our work is under ban, a man with some health problems also accepted the invitation to “come” and is now inviting others. Before learning the truth, many years ago he was stricken with tuberculosis and became paralyzed. Feeling hopeless because of being confined in a hospital, he contemplated suicide. Then he met some Witnesses who were also hospitalized there. A Bible study was started, stirring hope in this man’s heart. When he was transferred to another hospital, a special pioneer continued the study with him, and the local brothers would help him attend the meetings. Eventually he was baptized. After his physical condition started to improve, he became an auxiliary pioneer. Gaining strength from Jehovah, he later became a regular pioneer, and for the past ten years, he has served as a special pioneer.
You like to see how they actually figure the $173mil as being spent on special pioneers etc..
An elder I know, who used to be a family friend, started making good sales commissions at work and found that his Government Benefits might be cut back from this honest labor, so he quit as an employee and asked to be an independent contractor so he could not work quiiiiiite as much. He calculated the max commissions he could earn and would back off his sales at that point each month. His biggest concern was Keeping His Freebie Government Benefits intact, not in Setting a Good Example to the Flock or Displaying Integrity. And his benefits were not from an accident at work but came from some crazy behavior when he was younger, so he essentially was rewarded for being a dope-smoking (illegal then) goof-off but He's Still an Elder today and everyone thinks he's just so amazing.
Did I mention he's one of the two elders who never submitted our Child Abuse info to the great borg? He actually phoned me to let me know he'd never followed up but hoped we'd still be friends.
JWs promote Lying and Laziness? Absolutely. Proof is in the behavior of its leaders.
wow like where is anyones conscience these days, they say but dont do. just shocking cultbgone !
Witnesses know all the angels.
*** yb12 p. 55 2011 Grand Totals ***
During the 2011 service year, Jehovah’s Witnesses spent over $173 million in caring for special pioneers, missionaries, and traveling overseers in their field service assignments.
from blondie' post. By the way, is not that $173 million above inaccurate? If we can obtain a breakdown, we would be able to know the actual expenses. It’s possible the Watchtower is exaggerating to showcase both the need for more financial assistance aka contributons and its non-profit, non -taxing status.
Not that all single moms did this but....enough did
There was a provision that paid welfare to women until tlheir babies reached school age. They could stay home with housing and food assistance and some worked at home behind the scenes (not allowed by the government) (babysitting, sewing). They (and the elders winked at it) could pioneer then.....
They even tried to encourage other single mother sisters to do the same. (The BOE would have frowned if a single jw father did the same)
Finally the government figured out the scan and ended the program. Women and single fathers had to be working or going to school to get work to get some money. There is a less expensive child care program, health insurance, and a vigorous pursuit of child support from the noncustodial parent, transportation for parents to work and kids to school.
These sisters were few but discouraging to those that weren't living off the government.