We had an assembly part here 6 months ago where a sister was interviewed by the CO because she left her job to do more WT work, she talked about some jobs that she had recently been offered with good pay but turned these down. Most listening to this is would be thinking that this sister is being blessed by Jehovah for taking this stand, how much faith she has to do this and what can we do personally with our own jobs, made me almost feel guilty for having a job. Anyway come forward 6 months to now, this family has had to move to another region because the husband couldn’t find enough work to support his family here. Makes me sick to think that a religion can use this unscriptural reasoning to affect the family arrangement like that. But that’s not the way JWs think. They will tell us that this family moved away because it is Jehovah’s will, or maybe because the need is greater where they have gone.
Is is right to leave your job for the WT? In an assembly interview
by skin 18 Replies latest jw friends
Unnecessary hardship. I knew a JW convert, an elder who got all the crap jobs, close to retirement and still renting. How will he scrape by on Old Age Security?
yes yes yes!
we have heard these sort of interviews so many times...it is truly manipulative stuff!
we had one young (late teens) sis interviewed here at an assembly who went on about how she turned down all sorts of jobs to pioneer.... and then did some cleaning work...she was "so happy" about her choice!
now, a few years later, she is taking college courses in business management! I asked her why the change, and she said "I cant clean all my life! I need to support myself and think of the future"
something must have woken her up!?
Nothing new. Know many older couple here in US that receive minumum Social Security, get food stanp and housing allowance because they are poor.
They put kingdom interest first and now begging in their later years.
'course it's possible the story given in the interview was bunk. I was told to lie on the platform about being offered a scholarship and turning it down. Truth was, I never was allowed to apply for scholarships or take college entrance exams, which is generally required in order to be offered a scholarship. And you'd have to ask yourself why all these dubs do that only to turn it down when offered.
"a sister was interviewed by the CO because she left her job to do more WT work,"
I was always against to this kind of cursed interviews. This is a dirty and frequent tactic of The Watchtower leaders intended to rob the time of the witnesses. I know many of them who have left their personal projects for spending more time in field service. Sadly they think they are doing this for God, but they ignore that they are serving a gang of liars.
We have to remember this for them:
*** Awake! 1969 May 22 p.15 ***
If you are a young person, you also need to face the fact that you will never grow old in this present system of things. Why not? Because all the evidence in fulfillment of Bible prophecy indicates that this corrupt system is due to end in a few years. Of the generation that observed the beginning of the 'last days' in 1914, Jesus foretold:'This generation will by no means pass away until all these things occur.' Therefore, as a young person, you will never fulfill any career that this system offers. -
Is is right to leave your job for the WT? In an assembly interview
Its fine for the top men of the WTS. for doing so just proliferates their published goods and maintains financial support.
Supporting a bunch ignorant bullshitters and empowering these men is never a good thing to do for a individual or humanity .
I always have mixed emotions when I hear those experiences. For one thing, I worked for companies that had many JW workers, and logically we couldn't all be away at the same time. Some had to compromise and attend on another date. I did experience some conflicts with some employers that wouldn't budge at all on this so, I would rather say that I quit on them, I did benefit from sticking to my principles, but not everyone was that fortunate. I finally got a job that honored my religious views and paid me an additional vacation day to attend my DA. My advice is, if you hate that job, and you beleive that you can find another one, then take the leap.
Those kind of experiences are the same kind the Borg has been doing for decades.
I'd like to see them borrow a page from the OWN Network and do a "Where Are They Now" type of experiences, which we know will NEVER happen.