Not on JW.ORG : Another Watchtower Society property closed and sold.

by Balaamsass2 27 Replies latest social current

  • Phizzy

    It looks as though they are building a huge fund of cash. The re-investment in property is small.

    If the JW religion implodes for any reason, who will ever question where all the cash went ? who would have the necessary skills and power to find out ?

    Those at the top of this Scam, the GB and their puppet-masters must be laughing.......... all the way to the Bank. *

    *( For Bank, read, impossible to trace off-shore fund/s).

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    @ Ocean1111: Well if we take the 500 million or so, the JW land asset sales of the last four years in the US, and project that globally (and include other investment assets) it could be feasible Bethel is liquidating a billion or more in assets


    The Brooklyn properties alone netted WT $1,2 BILLION.

    Add to that the sale of 14 Branch offices, plus Assembly Halls and Kingdom Halls, WT is sitting on $Billions.

  • Vidiot

    Ocean1111 - "... it will just be the Bethel 'self fulfilling prophecy' of its own end."

    That thought had occurred to me.

    If the WT lawyers are anticipating a tsunami of impending lawsuits, liquidating as much as possible to create a financial safety net just makes sense, not to mention that downsizing the Org and rank-and-file on purpose (i.e. "managing" the exodus) would be a much more attractive prospect then having it shatter and fragment like the WCG after Armstrong died.

    The core of the WTS (rebranded to its new label) would then stand a much better chance of surviving.

  • AndersonsInfo

    Recently the Spain branch properties were sold for $100 Million.

  • Balaamsass2

    Real estate always has a bullseye on it during a lawsuit- very easy to find and lien. Much easier and safer to wire CASH into offshore hedge funds.

  • Focus


    are you familiar with the works of OBVES and lars?

    I am. What has the insane Bible-Doctor to do with anything? That is one who thrived on whacks, being a thorough whackjob himself.


    Real estate always has a bullseye on it during a lawsuit- very easy to find and lien. Much easier and safer to wire CASH into offshore hedge funds.

    [ ] You have not understood

    [X] You have understood

    I can see from this and other works that you are a good pupil (of mine?). And joined less than a week ago! My my, wisdom from the mouths of babes...



    ("Man of Perdition" Class)

  • steve2

    Down-sizing is an excellent strategy in preparatrion for retirement.

    Bravo Watchtower for down-sizing!

  • frankiespeakin

    Looks like the WT CEO's need cash to pay for all those Gag Ordered Out Of Court Settlements and this was easy pickins for these Coprate Clowns aka: Faithful and Discreet Thinga ma gigers. Something tells me they are getting ready too liquidate lots more before the ship "God's Chariot" goes BOOM!

  • frankiespeakin

    Another words what I really mean to say is "these guys are just warming up to sell everything" and then hopefully be carted off to prison.

    O is there any way we can find out what property the WT corporation has for sale? How about a computer program that scans the internet for data?

  • Vidiot

    frankiespeakin - "Another words what I really mean to say is 'these guys are just warming up to sell everything' and then hopefully be carted off to prison."

    Despite some of the more extreme things I say here, I actually try to think of myself as a practical and pragmatic individual; and sorry to say this, but because of that, I suspect that they won't go to prison...




    ...having the WTS/JWorg reduced to a pale, wispy shadow of its former glory (as either an intended or unintended consequence of its many indiscretions) is, in my humble opinion, a pretty decent consolation prize.

    Its size has always been a source of pride for its leadership...

    ...even if they're downsizing the WT's assets and membership on purpose (as opposed to having no choice), I guarantee you it will still be acutely painful.

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