Today, I watched a movie called" Heaven is for Real", before we go any further I want to say I have become an atheist having been exposed to christianity from an early age with different denominations up into my teens , and then being converted to a jehovahs witness for 33 years , and then disaccociating myself from that religion some years ago.
However I am intrigued with what I have witnessed today , not only the movie , but where it has led me. which is ?
Fair enough , movies take liberties in what they present even with so called true stories , I can live with that.
I think their has been a lot said about Col and his pastor father being an influence on his sons visions.I can live with that too.
In the movie col todd related to the painting Akiane kramarik made about Jesus ? They never knew anything about one another. Weird ?
To digress here , I might say why is jesus so pre-occupied with non -essentials , and not the realities that confront the real world.
Getting back to Akiane Kramarik who has a bit part in this movie , I would reccomend you google her and get back to me with your comments.
I would love to here from all of you who take the time to respond.