If someone is hiding his past, a sin, etc....what would make the CO think that such a person would honestly answer a question? Sooo dumb.
BOE 2014-07-13 Appointment and deletion of elders and ministerial servants
by WatchTower87 47 Replies latest watchtower bible
The only reason is ... if later it is found that there are indeed hideous skeletons hidden in the closet that come to light, then the person can be deleted based, not on the past sin per se, but on the omission / lie / faillure to disclose.
This is the same reason behind the apparently moronic question found on the immigration form for foreigners visiting the US: "Are you a member of, or are you in connection with, a terrorist person or group?" Sounds idiotic, but it's there for a legal reason.
If someone is hiding his past, a sin, etc....what would make the CO think that such a person would honestly answer a question?
I think it provides a legal out for those asking the questions and who they represent. Two elders would be present when the questions are asked. It's not so much about protecting the congregation, although, that is a plus if it is accomplished. Rather, first and foremost, the organization is protected. ('We tried to find out, and this is what he told us . . . and we have the witnesses to prove it.' )
Like JGnat said above, if they really wanted to know about a person's past, a background check would be done.
@ nswtg: how does the process work?
In reality, here's how the process works:
1. holy spirit is not involved because it doesn't exist
2. Jehovah is not involved because he doesn't exist
3. Dumbass elders recommend other dumbasses to be elders
4. The dumbass elder body passes this recommendation on to the next higher-up dumbass: the Circuit Overseer
5. The CO passes his recommendation on up to the highest level of Dumbasses: the Governing Body. They use their big rubber "Approved by Holy Spirit" stamp to greenlight the appointment. After they rubberstamp a stack of approvals of men they have never met, and never will, they break for a donut snack before their late morning nappie time.
6. Now the newly-appointed Dumbass* is added to the ranks and receives immediate tenure and a thick coating of Teflon (children beware!)
Note capital "D", which goes with the new title
jgnat: One of my leaders remarked how surprising it was to see how many volunteers evaporate once they hear about the check, never to be seen again.
Sure, but WT is already hurting for "qualified" brothers to reach out. Background checks would unravel the entire WT system overnight.
Background checks make sense in Satan's Wicked System of Thingsā¢, but are unreasonable in God's Organizationā¢
So the opening says, "as previously announced." Does anybody know when/where this previous announcement was made?
They may be referring to the BOE letter dated 4-22-14, Re: the circuit overseer is now responsible for appointing/deleting brothers.
Ok, let's say it's for legal reasons. Still, a man is caught in pedophilia, the cops get involved and the JWs say, we asked him and he told us he was not a molester...and the legal system is going to say, ok, then. You covered your asses....methinks not!
One of the major reasons for my falling out of love with this Org. was the backstabbing politics and nepotism - in short human behaviour that went on behind the scenes to arrange these "Holy Spirit " appointments.
The letter fails to address one question I had, do temporary C/O's have the same power to metaphorically perform the laying on of hands and make a H/S appointment?
We have those visits a lot around here..
BTW . Thanks to Watchtower87
cult classic
Let's make this clear...
They're not going to accept any culpability from a moral and criminal point of view... But when it comes to all of the financials...they're all in?!
Yep, that's right.
ADCMS- Thank you. I like to share things like this with a "still" friend that is in.