JW.org Logo

by XBEHERE 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • A.proclaimer

    That's crazy! I'd rather not have a sign like that, especially when it pops out in contrast to the Kingdom Hall colors. You'd be able to tell if it's a Kingdom Hall a mile away. It's the end of the name Watchtower and the start of JW.org, sleek, modern, catchy, and doesn't bring in the same baggage Watchtower has. I spotted another car in my Kingdom Hall with the JW.org sticker, this is going pretty far...

  • LogCon


  • SyntaxError1974

    How long till they drop watchtower all the way?

    If they do, and the organization is now known as Christian congregation... Then it makes it harder to research the past.

    jw.org / Christian congregatIon of JW ; formerly known as watchtower bible tract society; formerly known as international bible students association ...

  • Oubliette

    "The sign should be displayed in an appropriate, dignified way using a 12" x 12" or 20" x 20" size."

    How can there be an "appropriate, dignified" way to display a website logo?

    Stupid is as stupid does.

  • SAHS

    No-doubt the WT headquarters will soon be displaying a new banner reading something like, “READ OUR WORD, JW.ORG, EVERY DAY.”

  • SAHS


    “This is quite an about face:

    km 4/09:

    Is it appropriate for congregations or individuals to use the logos of legal corporations used by Jehovah’s Witnesses?

    . . .

    Congregations or individuals should not use logos or names of the organization’s legal entities, or variations thereof, on their Kingdom Halls, signs, letterhead, personal objects, and so forth.

    . . .

    The Watch Tower logo, or a variation of it, should not be used in future Kingdom Hall projects even if the Kingdom Hall is owned by a Watch Tower entity.”

    “JW GoneBad”:

    “What about this for a reversal:

    In a Kingdom Hall, however, you will not find any of the religious emblems and fixtures typically associated with the churches of Christendom. There are no altars, images, or crosses on display. Why not? Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that the use of such items conflicts with the Bible’s command to “flee from idolatry.” (1 Corinthians 10:14; John 4:24) 5/1/2010 Watchtower pg 31 par3

    This brings clearly home to us today that Jehovah’s true worshipers must free themselves of every last vestige of paganism. Images, religious emblems, altars, pictures depicting religious error—all of these must be gotten out of our affections, out of our homes, out of the New World society of Jehovah’s Christian witnesses! (3/1/68 Watchtower pg 149 par 10)”

    Good catches, guys!!

  • Poztate

    What... No QR code to go with the sign. How outdated. I am sure they will have an update to the instructions soon.

  • Phizzy

    We need a JWFacts.Org Bumper Sticker.

    Could someone ( who is not a techno-phobe like me) also to do a very similar looking Business Card, to the one thay are now handing out, that says JWfacts.Org ? Then we could hand that to JW's !

    Please ?

  • Dis-Member

    I think this may bite them in the foot as anyone that types jw.org into Google will also get led right to jwsurvey.com and jwfacts.com that appear on the same search results page. And humans being the inquisitive creatures that they are vast numbers will most definitely take a look including all the witnesses now who previously would never have used the internet due to it having been virtually demonised by their leaders.

    Even the jw.org Youtube Channel in second position was snagged by someone else cos the org was too slow and ignorant of the internet and how it works.


  • Elisa1966

    From tetragram to pentagram: JHVH - JWORG

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