Watchtower Victim’s Memorial Day July 26

by Londo111 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Londo111

    I see this is two days away...I don't have anything planned, but I’m open to ideas.

    Anybody participating in this? If so, what are you doing?

  • Still Totally ADD
    Still Totally ADD

    Sorry Londo both my wife and I do not know anything about this. I don't know why. I guess we are just getting older and can't remember events like this. Can you enlighten us on this a little. Thank you for your help. Still Totally ADD

  • Still Totally ADD
    Still Totally ADD

    Sorry Londo both my wife and I do not know anything about this. I don't know why. I guess we are just getting older and can't remember events like this. Can you enlighten us on this a little. Thank you for your help. Still Totally ADD

  • Londo111

    I've seen reference to it now and again on Facebook, and I happened across this article today:

    Tying a yellow ribbon round the old oak tree is such a powerful symbol of hope. It reminds people that someone is no longer close and the ribbon is a visible sign of hope that they will return soon.

    In a similar way, July 26, 2014, is going to be a day when people across the world will use a variety of symbols to express hope. It is a day when former Jehovah’s Witnesses will remember their families who have been taken from them. It sounds dramatic, but if you are a Jehovah’s Witnesses you are required to shun family and friends.

    One of the main organisers of this International Day of Remembrance is a Dane, Bo Joel. He has created a video to let his family know that even though they choose to shun him, he remembers them and loves them. His message is to his daughter, who he has not seen since she was nine years old. She is now married and has a child of her own. Bo has been denied seeing and holding his grandchild by a set of beliefs.

    Bo is not alone, millions are denied contact with their families because of seven men in New York City who dictate an ever changing doctrine for Jehovah’s Witnesses.

    To mark the day one British woman, Victoria Summers has decided her symbol will be a poster with words that represent her feelings about loss. She shared the words on Facebook. The words represent the experience of so many ex-jw’s whose lives are connected through loss, pain, sometimes anger, resignation and more and more through attempts at resolution.

    Victoria’s words for her poster:

    For my parents, sister, brother and dear friends who have shunned me for over 5 years.

    For the wasted gifts and talents I was not allowed to pursue.

    For the magic of childhood Christmases and Birthdays I was denied.

    For a childhood of enforced alienation from my peers.

    For the irrational fear, guilt and nightmares which still haunt me as an adult.

    For my beautiful daughter who has never been acknowledged by her grandparents, aunts and uncles, simply because she is mine.

    Most importantly, for those not as fortunate as me. Those still trapped because of fear. Those whose lives will forever be blighted by the rampant child abuse still going on within this organisation.

    Those who have needlessly lost their lives because they refused a blood transfusion.

    Those who have taken their own lives because they simply cannot cope with the damage that has been done to them or the prospect of being shunned by loved ones.


    The organisers of this event have said:

    A reminder to those who wish to remain anonymous or who don’t want to visit a Kingdom Hall during our Memorial Day on July 26, you can leave your memorial at a public park, on the beach, in front of a public building such as a museum, at a bus stop in the city, or anywhere else that is comfortable and safe for you!”

  • Jeannette

    So lovely!

  • Still Totally ADD
    Still Totally ADD

    Thank you Londo for the imformation and sorry about the double post. My wife and I will do something for that day. It will be on the subject of losing our children to the cult. Still Totally ADD

  • Londo111

    Awesome. I'm still trying to figure out how to do something and keep my fade.

  • label licker
    label licker

    I can remember that day. It's my 53rd birthday:)

  • SAHS

    If everybody were to scatter, say, just ten AAWA fliers around their local Kingdom Hall or Assembly Hall or bus stop or park, imagine what a “witness” we could give. It would be worth it if it causes even one person to wake up and be able to escape the clutches of the WT monster, before it’s too late for them.

  • Londo111

    Happy Birthday, LL!

    Good idea, SAHS!

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