You should have asked him to repeat what he said in front of your wife.
WTBTS continues to move to paperless
by pronomono 27 Replies latest jw experiences
@DucatiJoe: The only reason I still go is family and friends. I'm sure my gig is drying up fast, but I'm milking it for all I can because I love them too much to lose them. It's been a year and a half since I've commented and about a year since I've went out in service. So far nobody is asking questions. The elders used to, but they've stopped for some reason. So until the time comes when this all comes to a head, I'm enjoying my family and friends, and I'm learning more and more so that I can give them a good unwitness.
pronomo - "So far nobody is asking questions. The elders used to, but they've stopped for some reason."
I sometimes wonder if elders who leave faders alone might be conscious-classers themselves, and letting 'em fade without a fuss is their way of subtly undermining the Society.
I think most elders are just too busy. They can take the hint when someone wants to leave and they're not hard-ass enough to try to "resolve the situation" by pestering the fader.
Heads up... I left on my own.. Not DRed..
After being an Elder for so many years and my chosing to no longer be part of Jehovah's Wittnesses... they do not talk to me anyway!
I still love them and have willed my assets to them. I completely understand .. I raised them in the JWs.
But any who think they can fade away and start living a life outside the organinzation and all will be tne same with family and friends....Well, ,,,may not work out that way.
Yeah they are trying to go paper less.
I don't really care.
It's not like I read the KM or watch tower.Neither one helps me make money.
Yes it seems that they are making a new business model that is excluding literature placements as a source of revenue, instead they are capitalizing on their free labor work force to build buildings(Kingdom halls and what not) and getting these ready for liquidation when funds are needed. I don't see this as a very effective model as compliance to Charity laws of different lands gets more restrictive and management compliance more involved and requireing audits, reporting conflict of interest impropriaties and whistle blower policies are implemented. It seems like the Watchtower is fighting a loosing battle for the Corporation's survival, and they can't make an honest buck otherwise.
frankiespeakin - "Yes, it seems that they are making a new business model that is excluding literature placements as a source of revenue..."
Very perceptice, and an angle I hadn't considered before.
frankiespeakin - "...instead they are capitalizing on their free labor work force to build buildings (Kingdom Halls and what not) and getting these ready for liquidation when funds are needed."
That, I had considered.
frankiespeakin - "I don't see this as a very effective model as compliance to Charity laws of different lands gets more restrictive and management compliance more involved and requireing audits, reporting conflict of interest impropriaties and whistle blower policies are implemented."
Another shrewd perception and aspect I hadn't thought of. The man's on fire.
frankiespeakin - "It seems like the Watchtower is fighting a losing battle for the Corporation's survival, and they can't make an honest buck otherwise."
Oh, yeah; bandaids on a bleeding stump.
That last bit (that they can't make an honest buck) is, IMO, the most interesting.
A while back, the Canadian government commissioned a study which eventually revealed (among other things) that one of the first signs a marginilized group (apocalyptic or otherwise) was starting to go off the rails and turn extremist was withdrawal from an urban setting.
Warwick immediately came to mind (I mentioned it it in my very first post, here).
What's more, the report revealed that further on in the group's alienation, one could often expect to see illegal activities being used to further finance the group's activities.
I don't know if that's in the cards for the WTS, but as far as a lot of other XJWs are concerned, they're already criminally-inclined.