To gain power, to be special, to achieve importance is to separate yourself somehow from the majority
and by doing so, to become elite.
Being "anointed" is to become set apart for a special purpose.
In the Bible this is a plot device like Alfred Hitchcock's word "MacGuffin".
It is simply a way of driving the plot without having the burden of explaining WHY.
A shepherd boy has oil poured over his head and PREST-O CHANGE-O he is now the KING of Israel. Welcome to history, David.
In Christianity, the vagabond tribal teacher and healer JESUS isn't all that important unless you transform him into GOD. He is promoted
to the same level (or higher) than the man who is emperor of Rome (who is also declared god.)
The Governing Body used to be the governing body until 1972. Why the switch from lower case "g" "b" to upper case "G" "B"?
These men are now elite leaders rather than mere "slaves" who are "discreet."
If you aren't in the elite group "anointed" the Bible and its promised do NOT belong to you (they say.)
Jesus is NOT your mediator (they say.)
Who is?
The 144,000 IS A MACGUFFIN to make ordinary men really, really SPECIAL.
They get to be kings and you don't.
They get to be priests and you don't.
They get to judge you and you need to kiss their asses.