If they're doing their imitation of a statue holding mags it's utter disgust. If they're in front of the setup tables talkinng to each other llike they're at a gathering then it's "what a bunch of fools wasting their time".
When You See A Witness What's Your Reaction?
by minimus 43 Replies latest jw friends
label licker
My husband is df'd so when he sees them he runs after them and just his words" hello" makes them run for their lives. Pathetic.
label licker
Forgot to add when I see him do this, we laugh and laugh and laugh.
I act like I never left! Same old friendly me! Hiiiiiii! Throws them into normal mode!
There is a bunch of them I'd like to see. Sort of a high school reunion type thing.
I run into JW's all the time. Most of my family and friends are JW's. Far from wanting to "smash their face in", I love them and say hi and feel about them the same way i would any close friends.
Run of the mill JWs that show up at the door? I think nothing. Maybe pity?
JW's I know are judgemental, narrcisistic, rude, SOB's......my heart beats a little faster, but I offer them no reaction.
My view is kind of like the poster Mum's of feeling a kind of annoyance and a kind of pity for them. I will try to talk to JW's and reason with them sometimes if I have the energy. But if I'm busy I pass the opportunity by . It takes a lot of mental energy to talk to these people and sometimes I'm too tired and just don't want to bother with it
For a while, when I recognized a witness, I would always say hello. I wasn't going to play by their rules. I received different reactions. Some wouldn't look me in the eye, others would respond and even further a conversation. I did this for a couple years then decided I didn't want to put them in an awkward situation. But that was my choice, hell I toed the company line sometimes too when I was in. I sort of decide now what to do on a case by case.
If I know a JW or JWs are out in service, I will say hi to them or attempt to engage them in conversation. I like being nice to them and causing them cognitive dissonnance.
Today, I saw my Spiritually-Strong (non-thinking) JW and former friend at Trader Joe's. I walked up to her and said hi. She responded that she could not get rid of me with a little laugh and attempted to give me a friendly hug. I haven't seen her for a few months when I attempted to say hi to her when she visited the gym that I go to.
We had a pleasant conversation for about 10 minutes talking about what we were doing in our lives. Unfortunately, I stated that I thought that the judicial committee's decision was B.S. to disfellowship her for engaging in pornei with the JW who she was/is dating. I doubt they reached 2nd base. I really wanted to scream at her (but didn't) that she is in a dangerous cult and how foolish she was for going to and telling the elders what she and her boyfriend did.
Then she said the thought-stopping platitude that that is the reason that we could never be together, I wished that I had said, "I have two better reasons than that for not being in a relationship with you." I would love to say to her that I could never be in a menage à trois relationship with someone I love nor with a member of a dangerous cult.
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,
On the increasingly rare occasions I see them out and about, my immediate reaction is, " You've got to be kidding?! Crimpolene still exists!"