The Second Law of thernodynamics says that the entropy of a closed system increases in time. This means that it becomes more disordered as the time passes. But if the system interacts with other one, the second law must be applied for the system plus the other one. Accordingly, the entropy of that system can decrease. So, I don't believe that the second law can be rightly applied to the processes of natural selection....However I am theist, so I believe that between those benefical mutations there was a proposital force, and not a random step to give speciation. What is that "proposital force"? It would be a matter of theological and philosophical discussion.
an experimental physicist explains his faith
by venting 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Gradually Huabi and I became convinced that there is a Creator and that he inspired the Bible. In 2005, we became Jehovah’s Witnesses, and now we share in teaching the Bible to others.
Did they read how many logical and moral contradictions contain the Bible?
Can they teach that in the fourth day the sun and the moon were created?
Did they read that it teaches the earth is flat??
Can they share in good conscience the Bible teachings through the glasses of the GB members?
The explainations of Dr.? Prof.? Wenlong and his faith leaves more questions than answers.
we wish, we could have asked the questions how he and his wife gradually developed faith in tales of talking snakes,
It is one thing to believe in an ultimate maker, quite another to (dis)-credit him with being the author of the errant bible.
The article explains faith, is weak on science.
the new wt mode.
You know something is up when a so called scientist becomes a JW. So he belives there are 8 men who get their info from allmighty God. And nutty teachings like, if your kid is going to die and a blood transfusion is the only thing that will save him/her then you have to let them die. And endless other crazy things. Ian Hutchinson MIT scientist is a christian. But he doesn't deny Evolution. When will the org wake up and smell the coffee? Even if there are fringe scientists like this guy in the awake, Evolution is a fact. venting.
the article seems to be a deliberate obfuscation of what is know about the creation sequence, the early universe. it endorses the wt writers' view.
This is not about the person or his and her faith, but to repeat wt's older/younger earth propaganda.
page 13: ---"God said let there be light"--. bible verse no.3. he was impressed by that?,
he is a 'light' aka radiation scientist?
as a critical, RESEARCH scientist, even technician, he should have at least known that light was already 10 billion years old when the earth was created. and
the earth was NOT made in the beginning at all. His wife, another,"---- research scientist---" did not do enough bible research to see these inconsistencies either, so much for fact-based faith.
As suspected, the story as printed, seems heavily edited, or worse, partly made up, over-simplified to hammer home wt doctrine, to impess the unwary
to turn away, eliminate people that will give wt followers trouble with inconvenient questions.
to turn off real research.
prologos- you're being waaay to meticulous....
I suspect that some/all of the article was fabricated. But, it's certainly not impossible for smart people to pulled into a cult. If the interviewee is a real person, he's leaving out his personal/emotional condition at the time of his recruitment. I suspect that (similar to what opusdei stated about himself) he was recovering from a tramatic event, likely the loss of a parent or child, when he was recruited. When smart people join cults (actually, this probably applies to most people from slightly below average intelligence on up) it's usually right after a big emotional event. Etiher they've just relocated far from home (fish out of water), or they've experienced some sort of loss (breakup/divorce, death, house burned down, whatever) that they're having trouble handling. Then in walks a put-together (based on first-impression only) cult memeber offering answers to all their questions bundled with a strong sense of community and a new 'family.' That would seem like a great offer to anyone in emotional turmoil, and they may indeed see it as a calling from god because it happened just at the right time. Of course we know that it's just coincidence due to the sheer volume of recruiting effort, but by the time they know enough to realize that, they're already deeply indoctrinated.
I myself had pretty good critical thinking skills from a young age. My older brother was baptized before he was a teenager, and despite having a superior grasp on doctrine by the time I reached that age, I resisted. The more my parents pushed me to get baptized (which, in comparison to many stories I've read here, luckily was less than it could've been) the more I pushed back. I didn't want to get baptized for someone else, I wanted to get baptized because I felt that it was the right thing to do. When I was a Junior in college I finally got baptized. Why? I'd just gone through a break-up with my first love, and my father used some pretty well placed words of emotional manipulation to get me to take the plunge. It was never because I really knew it was the truth (in fact, by that time I'd long been disturbed by the little cult-like things I'd noticed, but pushed them out of my mind) it was because I was heartbroken and I didn't have the strength to resist anymore.
OneEyedJoe : ".....I finally got baptized. Why? I'd just gone through a break-up with my first love, and my father used some pretty well placed words of emotional manipulation to get me to take the plunge."
The Watchtower uses all the time emotional manipulation. This is a very dangerous weapon. The Watchtower uses it to shun, to baptize children, to get more money from their followers, to create fear of higher education, etc. This is why I think that we have to expose the dirty tactics of this cult in order to counteract the Watchtower propaganda.
As an ex-witness told me before, it is difficult to rescue the witnesses inside the cult, but you can decrease the number of outsiders interested in this cult by exposing its false teachings with books and in internet sites (this forum, and books as Crisis of Conscience, The Gentile Times Reconsidered and Apocalipse Delayed are good examples.)