The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Bad

by God_Delusion 17 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • God_Delusion

    Hi guys and gals!

    I've just put the finishing touches to my latest article, which talks about the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Bad.

    You see, I've always been fascinated with the Tree of Knowledge and the Tree of Life. Both are incredibly weird stories. I hope you like what I've written and really look forward to hearing your comments right here.

    If you're on Twitter, follow me @JehovahsBlog.

    Jaymes "Teeny Pyjamas" Payten

  • Bye bye birdie
    Bye bye birdie

    me too! I will look forward to reading this later.

  • God_Delusion

    Fantastic Bye Bye Birdie. Can't wait to read your comments mate!

  • Bye bye birdie
    Bye bye birdie

    It is indeed odd that they were not allowed to eat of the tree of knowledge, and in trouble for making that decision although they didn't have the capacity for knowing good and bad until they ate.

    Adam and Eve were told not to eat from the tree of knowledge since once they did it would make them like God knowing good and bad. After they ate from the tree of knowledge God needed to protect them from continuing to eat from the tree of life. So he kicked them out of the garden for that reason. So not being able to eat anymore from the tree of life they started to die.

    So was Satan wrong?

  • jookbeard

    great blog, the fable of The Garden of Eden and The Flood are 2 of the most ludicrous Bible tales ever written.

  • givemejustalittlemoretime

    It was symbolic spiritual metaphor .The tree of the knowledge ofgood and bad was the fruit from satan. THe garden of eden was full of good fruit which they could eatwhich was Jesus. The fruit represents knowledge of how to grow to become Christ like and become immortal, the fruit Satan offered was one that lead ot death, he lied to them and they choose the wrong fruit to partake so could not enter into that covenant arrangement under God.

  • jookbeard

    Satan never lied, Jehovah was the deciever

  • Bye bye birdie
    Bye bye birdie

    If it was symbolic then why were angels stationed outside the garden with swords to guard the tree of life? It is all so weird.

  • berrygerry

    Always wondered why they weren't seduced into eating from the Tree of Life first.

  • Bye bye birdie
    Bye bye birdie

    They were allowed to eat from the tree of life....until they ate from the tree of knowledge. Then the tree of life became a problem if they continued eating from it.

    This is the main reason they were kicked out.

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