Just curious
Would You Care If You Were Disfellowshipped?
by minimus 32 Replies latest jw friends
It would be a good thing for me, since they would be doing for me what I want to do, to exit the cult.
i missed out !! i resigned in the early 70's. i feel like i need to get de-baptised.
I am and I don't care.
I don't play by childish cult rules.
I'm glad to be out of the filth to be honest. If they wanna shun me then they can get knotted.
Yeah, I think it would be a blessing in disguise. The trick for me, though, would be to manage to get DF'd unjustly. I think that'd go a long way towards helping my wife (and maybe a friend or two) to see the cult for what it is.
I may be disfellowshipped, but I am not sure. I guess I could find out, but I am not interested.
Oneeyedjoe- I think if you were to pick something like the blood issue, study it extensively, know it like the back of your hand, use the scriptures along with medical journals, logic, and common sense, and tell the elders that you cannot support this issue and would take blood, and allow your children to take blood. Use Matthew 12 and Luke 14. Both scriptures include the violation of a law which was allowable in order to save a life. Jesus said that he wants mercy and not sacrifice. They will DF you for this if you do not change your mind. Have your wife in the JC room for these discussions if possible, or else record it. She will see how they do not have an answer for your logical well reasoned arguments, and when they DF you she may see it for what it is.. The silencing of a good man whos conscience did not allow him to support a wrong, deadly teaching. Maybe that will jolt her awake.
I am thinking of maybe using this tactic.
I've thought about that, but don't know how to segue into the blood issue. I've never known anyone who's been affected by the blood policy, have no children, and both my wife and I are in good health. It's not something a 'good' JW thinks about, and it seems the WT is slowly backing away from it anyway, so it's not like I can expect an article on it again soon. Also, due to some of the specifics of my wife's family dynamics, it wouldn't endear me to her at all if I did something like that.
I've already laid some groundwork, though, by discussing the misquotes in the creation book with her. I'm thinking about asking her something like "do you think it's a DFing offense for me to personally believe in evolution?" and explaining to her that I continued to do research after finding the errors in the creation book and I found that I cannot argue against evolution. I don't think I'll ever convince her of evolution over creation till she's otherwise out of the cult (at which point I don't know if I'd care to try) but if it becomes known that I harbor personal feelings about evolution I can see that being an issue. Then, getting DF'd because I'm honest about my personal beliefs (not trying to gather followers after myself as they always aledge that apostates do) might do the trick.
keyser soze
Not at all. It would probably be a relief. I wouldn't have to come up with excuses to avoid family get-togethers. I've strongly considered sending a letter DAing myself, but that's more effort than I care to put into it. I'm never bothered by elders anymore, and even my mom rarely calls me anymore.
Im over being disfellowshipped, it no longer has an emotional affect on me. However when I went thru it it was pretty traumatizing. It was a kick to the face and a punch in the gut when I most needed supoort. Im ok with being a loner-- I've accepted it for now. There are alot of thngs on my plate and adding friends/socializing to the mix would be a bit much.
So in summary- - Being disfellowshipped was a double edged sword for me. Happy to be out of the cult, I was sad I lost friends in the process, but now I'm alright about it.