Lett said the same thing at the Seattle convention. Probably part of the outline. Who knows if it was a real letter or not. Don't really care.
GB member Anthony Morris mentions concerned JW letter at RC
by Acluetofindtheuser 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
This is proof of nothing.
Yes they do read the letters. I remember in CoC, Ray mentioning how he took a letter from a publisher that got screwed over from the 1975 debacle.
They would probably have a bunker with enough food for them (GB).
The rest of us can starve- what do they care they will going to heaven.
I know somebody who was at a RC that was tied into the Cowboy's stadium. They said Gerrit Losch was present at that international convention. I'll ask them if he mentioned the same letter at the concluding talk.
Anthony said that was crazy because the person writing in doesn't have faith in God's providing power.
Why did not a single person put their hand up and ask why then are the governing body asking for endless cash donations from every single congregation and org member on earth??
Oh yeah .....and what about those "go bags"?
And here's me thinking we were supposed to
trust in jehoba and not rely on protecting our
own survival!!!!!!
Have a listen to what our friends have to say! :-)
made up garbage by them....
Keeping a stash of food is "not trusting in jehoobie???"
Didnt they have an item in the Kingdumb Misery about having a disaster pack ready, just in case?
They speak with forked tongue.
GB Meeting: What if the members think they should be like Doomsday Preppers? Wouldn't their low wages and spending on preparing keep them from donating money to us?
We should make up a story about how some are concerned about that and address it.
No, we should have the minions find some actual letter. We get letters about everything, so they will find us one.