Surreal experience last night.

by objectivetruth 48 Replies latest jw experiences

  • HeyThere

    How exciting and surprising and, hahaha "happifying" that must be! Enjoy!

  • problemaddict

    I'm finding more and more people too. It seems like late 20's to late 30's is the current "sweet spot" for waking up.

    If you go past seems liek you are a lifer. If you leave before then, somehow you blame yourself. That filet is more and more absent from meetings or conventions.

    The future does not look good for this religion.

  • Phaedra

    " We are all out! Everyone that is coming is out we all look forward to seeing you guys so much"

    How cool is that?!


  • cha ching
    cha ching

    We ALSO have had the same kind of experiences!! It is so great! People we really were close to, really, really nice people that had left before us, are all calling us, saying "Hey!" and we go see them, talk to them, hug, laugh, talk and it's just like we have never stopped being friends!

    It's like getting resurrected! Welcoming people back from the dead! YYYAAAAAAAAAYYY!

  • Apognophos

    That's a really good observation, problemaddict. I know for me I had a bit of a mid-life crisis when I hit 30, which is part of what led to finally examining my beliefs critically. People in their 20s are becoming independent adults and have freedom over their own schedules for perhaps the first time (if they weren't the sort that moves out of the house right after high school). People in their 30s start to feel the effects of aging, and this leads to asking hard questions about their future for probably the first time in their lives. Like, "Am I going to end up growing old in this religion like my parents and their parents?"

  • kairos

    "It's like getting resurrected"

    I agree. Great way of putting it.

  • Vidiot

    Apognophos - "People in their 30s start to feel the effects of aging, and this leads to asking hard questions about their future for probably the first time in their lives. Like, 'Am I going to end up growing old in this religion like my parents and their parents?'"

    Oh, so true.

    It's very closely related to "Do I really want to raise my kids in this religion?"

    Both were two significant things that helped me on my fade, as a matter of fact.

  • objectivetruth

    People in their 20's and 30's are the First Generation to GROW up with access to the internet.. There minds work differently ans they are more connected to the internet and information found online..

    A CO in a talk recently said from the stage that 75% of Kids that were raised in the "truth" are leaving.. I don't know why he would ever mis quote a statistic like this, so I assume that it's true.

    Imagine the Generation that is Turning 18-20 now, They've wanted to leave Since they were 12.

  • Godsendconspirator

    Congrats! I'm happy for you that you can you take back what the GB took away.

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