Don't think that by simply handing someone a card, tract or any other slip of paper or cardboard is going to have the intended/desired effect.
My daughter came home from work last night, laughing about a man who she was pretty sure belonged to a cult. He yawned on and on about weird get togethers. "Oh, but it's not a religion!", he told her. He handed her a card and asked her to check out the wbe address when she got off work.
The man walked away from her and in the trash can his card went.
She told me that all that kept running through her mind as he talked was the he was a "level five laser lotus". I'm like, "What?". It was an episode of cummunity: when Pierce's mom died, left him a CD recording, along with a lava lamp (that was supposed to be her), which she stated on the recarding was NOT her. "If you unscrew the top off that stupid thing, you'll see it was "made in China". Even with that clear proof that he and his mom had belonged to a cult (and were both "lvl 5 Laser Lotuses" within that group), he tossed the CD out the window.
(Troy, the guy in the backseat, was raised as a Jehovah's Witness)
So, yeah. Level Five Laser Lotus means a whole lot. Just like being "anointed" or a "governing body" member. Yup. Go put a parade on for yourself, or tell the whole world (all sorts of legitimate media outlets out there!), if that is really what you think/believe.
I would LOVE one (or ALL) of these so-called "anointed" govbody men to go stand up in court and state that they are the equivalent of Christ on earth today. Go ahead. Make my day.
Anyhoo, handing out dorky-ass tracts/"business cards" for clear-cut cults? Not necessarily gonna have the effect you expect. Besides, writing in "jwfacts" may swing back and bite you directly on the ass, too, if the person handed it to a fully-dolted zombie member, especially if it were a male in a "position of authority".