Questions for those who believe in the Watchtower Blood Policy

by Lee Elder 20 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • sir82

    Some weeks ago my sister asked this question, and the elders answered it based on an Old Testament principle. So, according to them, Jehovah let israelites to sell carcasses of unbled animals to foreign gentiles. So, the same principle applies for the current people of God. Witnesses can take the permitted blood fractions from wordly people, but they (the witnesses) can't break God's law on blood by donating it.

    That makes no sense at all.

    Old Testament principle: Worshippers of Jehovah can give unbled meat to gentiles

    Modern day application: Worshippers of Jehovah can receive blood fractions from unbelivers

    In what possible sense can "giving away unbled meat" even be remotely associated with "receiving blood fractions"?

    It is so nonsensical that even WTS writers must recognize its stupidity, since this idea has never appeared in print. If those of such dubious writing ability recognize it's a stupid application of "principle", that's a pretty good indication that it really is a stupid application.

  • DocHouse

    What about GOD'S 'Blood policy'?

    From Noah to the Apostles?

    Deny the meaning of the word "Abstain"?

  • DesirousOfChange

    Start the timer.


  • OneEyedJoe

    If you want to extend the meaning of the word abstain to a complete avoidance of any use, then the WT's current blood policy is apostate, since it allows the use of fractions. Not to mention most vaccines, which I'm sure you've taken, are derived from blood in one way or another. To truely abstain from blood in every way, you need to stop vaccinating.

  • sir82

    To truely abstain from blood in every way, you need to stop vaccinating.

    Not to mention following a strict vegetarian diet.

  • DesirousOfChange

    No more blood tests.

    I think the same thought applied to "avoiding" meat sacrificed to idols.............OOPS! that changed later.


  • LisaRose

    What about GOD'S 'Blood policy'?

    From Noah to the Apostles?

    Deny the meaning of the word "Abstain

    Show me where in the bible God says not to accept a blood transfusion. You can't, because it's not there. It's a HUGE leap to condemn a practice that was not mentioned in the bible. Using a life saving medical technique is in no way the same as eating meat that had not been properly bled. When human blood is transfused, it is not consumed for nourishment, as animal blood is. The prohibition against blood was based on nothing more that fear, back when blood transfusions were a new and radical medical treatment, and was based more on ignorance and superstition than the bible. The Watchtower also condemned vaccinations and organ transplants, also not in the bible, positions they later reversed.

    They exaggerate the downside to transfusions, when they know they are actually safe and effective in saving lives. How sad that so many base a life changing decision on nothing more than the Watchtower's inability to admit they were wrong. Why do you think they now allow fractions, a ridiculous, splitting hairs exemption? Where do you think the fractions came from? From blood, of course. How then are they "abstaining from blood"? YOU deny the meaning of abstain. And what about the people who could have been saved by fractions, but died before the Watchtower allowed it?

    Shame on the Watchtower for manipulating people to choose to die for lack of a simple, effective medical procedure, and shame on you for defending it. To think they had the nerve to brag about the needless death of Jehovah's Witness children by putting them on the cover of their magazine. The Watchtower hypocrisy knows no limits, because they have blood on their hands, the blood of innocent men, women and children.

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer

    What about GOD'S 'Blood policy'?

    From Noah to the Apostles?

    Deny the meaning of the word "Abstain"?

    God's "Blood policy" expressed to Noah and, according to Watchtower, reiterated in the Apostolic Decree was to abstain from EATING blood of animals slaughtered to eat them as food.

    Otherwise Noah was free to do whatever he wanted with blood of animals he killed for food whenever he wanted to do it.

    Oh, and one other important thing: Nowhere was Noah required to abstain from eating blood of animals that died of themselves (that is: deceased animal carcasses found dead of causes CREATED BY GOD, like old age).

    And, finally, one more thing: The practice of medicinal transplantation of blood was practiced by ancient peoples and Noah was not prohibited from this use of blood. (See:

    Marvin Shilmer

  • Vidiot

    Lee Elder - "New article on AJWRB:"


    What I wouldn't give to see a GB member compelled to take the stand in court and face those questions.

  • opusdei1972

    Marvin Shilmer Hi Marvin, you disappeared a long time ago. How are you?

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