Today I was at the meeting (I go there about once a month now). In the service meeting they had a part where they interviewed the secretary of the congregation.
So one question was: "Why are the service reports so important?"
Our secretary explained that the reports are important, because the elders can see, who is spiritually weak. If a brother or sister with no health problems is low in hours or inactive, then the elders realize, that this brother or sister is spiritually weak and needs assistance.
What he spew out next just left me speechless. He literally said looking to the audience:
"You are not surviving Armaggedon if you are spiritually weak!"
So here this guy is condemning half of the congregation to death. Is he in the position to judge the brothers and sisters? Did he just usurp Jesus position?
In our congregation, like half of the publishers are low in hours and we have a few inactive ones like me. One CO just said lately in a service talk, that there are 25 who report less than 5 hours (we are about 60 or 70).
Then the secretary said he would be happy, if he gets the reports in the first week of the new month. At the moment he is getting only the reports of half the congregation by the middle of the following month. Then he always has to write e-mails to remember the brothers to give the report.
After I stopped field service last December, I also got those remembering e-mails. Then I always answered with a big ZERO. After 3 months he gave up and didn't send any more e-mails ;-)
If anyone asks me, why I am not attending meetings any longer, I can refer to those words of the secretary.