I don't know this is being reported in Australia and the U S , but the rest of the world is seeing that any "holocaust" is coming from the State of Israel (which is a different entity to Jews per se) . We live in a mixed culture of Christian & Muslim and feel no threat, apart from a few extremists which is true of all groups
Is their a new holocaust in the making ? Are jews being made the scapegoats again ?
by smiddy 59 Replies latest jw friends
I would hazard to say that most immigrants are economic immigrants, looking for better opportunities.
The border wars with Israel have everything to do with territory and perceived threat. Religious differences are merely trappings.
Technically factfinder Caucasian is not a race either, as there is only one race, the human race or species. Race, as a term generally used when it comes to human speech, is an arbitrary distinction based on certain physical characteristics. Thus Jews in this type of way can be said to be a race if as you say they are natural Jews and have genes in common with Jews. Hence Mongolians have certain eyes sometimes and Jews are known to have a certain type of nose sometimes. In reality such characteristics mean absolutely nothing in terms of racial distinction or scientific value. However the word race is readily used to denote large human groups based on genetic traits that are often only skin deep. So we either use the word in a non racist way, or we throw the word out altogether as it has no scientific value for human beings. The fact is that Jews can be said to be race when it comes to natural ones in exactly the same way as Caucasian, Negroes, and Mongolians can be, despite the lack of real meaning other than minor physical differences in appearance. Just as a child can have similar physical characteristics to a parent, this doesn’t mean a different race, however the word race is used for large human groupings, the Jews being but one.
Band on the Run
Growing up in an area of large concentration of Jews, I felt blessed. The philanthropy and brain power were impressive. The WT wrote lies about Jewish belief. It hurts to see so much antiSemitism on this board. Zionism and Judaism are not identical concepts. I keep hearing that Israel is the size of New Jersey and must face terrorists. NJ is small. Right now antiSemitism appears at an all time high. I mentioned to an Arab taxi driver in Manhattan that I needed to stop by my law school. The rain was cascading down. I confess not leaving the taxi. Wearing my cross helped me. He thought all lawyers were Jewish. He loves Christians b/c we worship Allah. I tried to explain that we have similar roots but do not worship the same god. No one would ever convince him otherwise.
Historical facts would help. Knowing individuals of many religions would help a lot. They shatter stereotypes.
This year I am going to read a neutral account of the formation of Israel.
This is sad and humorous. While I was at Bellevue, a worker with an IQ of 5 said the white people at Ground Zero deserved to die b/c we support the Israealites. Abraham, Moses, David, Solomon entered my mind. I wanted her fired on the spot. It was a complicated situation at Bellevue. I saw the only other white person was crying,too. I replied, yes, the US must stop messing with those Israelites. Maybe the Lost Ark generated negative energy. The planes were only an illusion. How a class of New Yorkers could take delight in 3,000 fellow New Yorkers slaughtered is beyond me. She had no idea I was smocking her. It was not even one week since the attack.
you know I don't see that much anti semetism.
i see people disgusted with the way the state of israel is behaving at the moment.
thats pretty natural.
i also see a lot if anti Muslim sentiment.
theres something funny about humans, we seem to really want to have an outsider to feel superior to, I wonder why?
Band on the Run
The scapegoat in the Old Testament who carries the sins of Israael. Scapegoat is not limited to Jewish practice. It appears to be part of human DNNA. It is very scary.
Seraphim 23- yes, we are all part of the Human race.
But you cannot always tell if someone is a Jew simply by appearence. I have had people tell me they thought I" looked" Irish or German or Hungarian while a few said "You look like you should be wearing one of those beanies (Yarmulkes)."
I have blue eyes and sandy colored hair. My Dad had red hair, same as his Mother, most of my relatives have darker complections.
My best friend is of mostly Italian ancestry and told me a lot of people told him he "looks Jewish."
So you cannot always tell by physical characteristics. There is a Jewish stereotype it seems, but most Jews don't fit it.
I don't consider being Jewish a "race" although our genetic dna is the same as the Israelites.
But I agree that some (not Jews) consider being Jewish to be a race.
Some refer to a Hebrew race but there is no such thing as a Hebrew race either!
If anti-semitism is rising it makes me not only angry but also sad because my sister has always felt that deep down inside all gentiles really hate Jews and I have told her that is not true, only some do. Was I wrong? Do MOST gentiles hate Jews?
I wish people would stop labelling criticism of Israels actions as "anti semitic". It isn't the same thing at all.
I think the way Israel is behaving is terrible and they constantly keep pushing things to this point, taking over lands and displacing people, taking away their rights etc...
I think we're forgetting that most muslims aren't religious extremists, and harbour no resentment against anyone. I'm also pretty convinced that middle-eastern muslims (which are generally more othodox), may hate jews because the Zionists esentially took Palestine from them.
Point to ponder: What one city in the mid east has a gay pride parade? Which mid east country has the most liberal policy toward same sex marriage? Which countries execute LGBTQ people?
I'm sorry, I don't understand why liberals support oppressive fundamentalist theocracies in a fight with the only place that even remotely looks like a liberal state in the region.