TUTORIAL: Proving the GB and Watch Tower is guilty

by Terry 22 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Raton


  • Terry

    I've always wanted to ask a JW: "What one thing--if you discovered it to be true--would convince you The Watch Tower Society and its GB

    are not teaching the Truth, but are just another false religion?"

    I wonder what I would have answered had somebody asked me that all those years ago?

  • cha ching
    cha ching

    Questions are the key to breaking in...

  • Island Man
    Island Man


  • Terry

    I remember when I used to be on (secret) speaking terms with my former "best friend" . . .

    He, the good little JW, said, "Questions are what Satan uses to destroy the True faith."

    I asked, "What questions?"

    "You know, like in the Garden of Eden . . . 'Is it really so that Jehovah has said . . .' and when tempting Jesus . . "

    I looked at him blankly. "Is that why the Society prints questions at the bottom of all their publications?"

    Heh heh heh

  • LogCon


  • Hairtrigger

    Nicely done Terry. Archived for future reference.

    Thanks much.

  • BU2B

    Thank you terry. Bookmarked. Irrefutable proof in one post of the hypocrisy and true nature of the WT. Cannot dispute tHis. You killed them with their own rope. This needs to be in a best of archive seriously.

  • williamhconley

    Great post Terry!

    It's sad how most JW's refuse to accept the evidence that the GB did indeed predict 1975 as the end. The evidence is their own literature.

    I had one Pioneer brother tell me that Jehovah purposely allowed the false prophecy of 1975 to be taught by the WT in order to weed out those in the Organization that were not loyal. That is cognizant dissonance on steroids! Cult members will justify their leaders evil actions because seeing the facts can be too painful.

    W.H. Conley

  • berrygerry

    I had one Pioneer brother tell me that Jehovah purposely allowed the false prophecy of 1975 to be taught by the WT in order to weed out those in the Organization that were not loyal. That is cognizant dissonance on steroids! Cult members will justify their leaders evil actions because seeing the facts can be too painful.

    That WTS Jehovah.

    Such a prankster.

    He should start a TV prank show.

    (Greenlees and a Catholic priest can bless marriages - the priest with the bride, and Greenlees with the groom - all on PPV)

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