More dumb JW logic

by Batman89 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Batman89

    Witnesses always say when a person comes into the "truth"(deception) it was because Jehovah saw they had the right "heart condition"

    so they're basically saying that only 7 million people on earth which is way less than 1% of the population have good hearts and are good people

    and everyone else is just evil? lol i didnt even believe this when I was a devout MS

    (sigh) whats wrong these people

    Plus if Jehovah can really read heart conditions why does he need JWs to give out watchtowers and study with people in the first place??

    It seems like this last days-great tribulation-armageddon process could be going alot faster but hey what do I know? lol

  • Apognophos

    What interested me about that belief, as I grew up, is that apparently the children of Witnesses have innately better "heart conditions" than the world. I used to wonder why 1/1000 people worldwide were Witnesses, but maybe 1/3 of Witnesses' children chose to be Witnesses as well. Seems a bit unfair, doesn't it? You're born to a Witness family and are automatically 333 times less likely to be destroyed at Armageddon?

  • ctrwtf

    @Apognophos. What you have to remember is that since god can read the hearts of witness children, he know that they're just doing it to make their parents happy. So they're gonna die too. Hey, while he's at it what another million or so deaths?

  • Divergent

    I NEVER believed that only less than 10 million people would be saved

    People today are confused due to the fact that there are too many religions. Christianity itself has over 40,000 denominations! It is NOT the fault of people that they are confused. Therefore, it does NOT make sense to believe that everyone who is not a JW would be destroyed!

    My reasoning was that after the downfall of false religion, it would be obvious to right hearted ones that JW's have the truth. After false religion is no more, it would narrow things down a lot and then the choice between serving Jehovah or Satan would not be difficult to make. Jehovah would make the truth more convincing to people at that time, as he is the God of love & mercy and does not desire for any to be destroyed. Subsequently, many more millions, or even billions, would be able to take sides with Jehovah and be saved! =)

    I always believed that this reasoning should be the correct one instead as it made more sense

  • BU2B

    It's not so farfetched when you consider they truly believe only 8 people qualified to survive a global flood. Only 8 good hearts out of millions. When you believe that, its no great leap to believe only members of one organization will survive.


    When "false religion" goes, the WTBTS will NOT be the last man standing.


  • sporece

    It's another stupid reasoning that comes from the GB. The usual nonsense

    What about the 100 of thousand that leave the org. That's right ...they were not of our sort.

    They have an answer for everything.

  • WTWizard

    And, even of the ones that are nominally jokehovian witlesses, only those who are "strong enough" will survive. Where does joke-hova draw the line? You could have done that last call in 1959, but you refused and did not make up for it? You missed that boasting session in 1961 because you didn't feel like driving through a meter of snow? You signed up for the Dirty Thirty when you could have made the 50? Or you signed up for the 50 and missed by 2 minutes? What horrible people they are, failing to get all the time they pledged or saving up a few toilet papers and buying a silver quarter instead of putting it into the Worldwide Damnation Fund.

  • Finkelstein

    Witnesses always say when a person comes into the "truth"(deception) it was because Jehovah saw they had the right "heart condition"


    The WTS. propagates it own self supporting propaganda to lure and to further sustain its followers.

    By that advocation people who are designated to have " the right heart condition " are willing to be subservient to the dictates and

    doctrinal control created by the men who run the Watchtower Corporation.

    Its not dumb logic from the perspective of the leaders of the JW organization.

  • blondie

    The WTS teaches that minor children (able to understand--6 YO based on jw baptism ages in history and currently) and have one currently "faithful" parent (custodial or non-custodial per non-jw laws)("faithful" alternatives "in good standing" baptized and not df'd, da'd; what about inactive...oral statements by jws says yes if both parents are inactive parents minor children will die at Armageddon as well as inactive parent).

    I always wondered how elders/JC could know someone was unrepentant if the WTS also says that only God and Jesus can read hearts and minds. I asked every elder I met the same question, how do you tell if someone is not repentant if you can't read hearts. What happens if you make a mistake?

    I figured that God did not have to get a directive from the JC and if the elders made a mistake that the person would survive if...they weren't pushed away and hurt to the point they were crushed. Would they have to be like Joseph and Jeremiah hoping God sends them a vision to get out of prison to get an audience with the Pharaoh or send a non-Jew to get you out of the mire?

    *** w08 3/15 p. 27 par. 8 Do You View Others as Jehovah Does? ***

    Jehovah can read hearts, while we cannot. This in itself is a good reason for us not to be judgmental. We do not know all of another person’s motives.

    *** w08 1/15 p. 14 par. 7 “Rightly Disposed” Ones Are Responding ***

    Jehovah has appointed Jesus as Judge; hence, we do not have the right to judge anybody. That is fitting, since—unlike Jesus—we can judge only by the “mere appearance to [our] eyes” or “the thing heard by [our] ears,” whereas Jesus can read the intimate thoughts and reasonings of the heart.—Isa. 11:1-5; 2 Tim. 4:1.

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