What I'm going to say to JWs offering the JW.org tract

by baltar447 14 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • baltar447

    This is what I'm going to say:

    Listen guys, one month I had some bible thumpers knocking at me door telling me about hell. Then I have some weird fundamental religious sponsored "education books for parents to help their children in school". The next I have some south Korean mother god cult come to my door with QR codes on their literature too. First thing I did was google them to find out about them and turns out they are a cult. First thing I'm going to do is google your group and I'd bet good money you're a cult too. Because only Cults recruit. Religions that actually offer something to people don't have to, the people come to them.

    Then I'll try to engage them into a discussion about whether they can hold different opinions from whatever their literature says. Because If not, they how is their religion different from say, North Korea? BAM!

  • LogCon

    Sounds more like

    BAM BAM!


    Yeah, baby!!!


  • raymond frantz
    raymond frantz

    brilliant reasoning

  • happy@last

    Just ask them if they have read it and can they explain it to you.

  • steve2

    "Let's get this straight: You're handing me this tract to visit your website to request someone to visit me? You guys are stranger than I thought you were!"

  • stuckinarut2

    All they will say is

    "go to jw.org for the answers to EVERYTHING!"

  • stillin

    If I had the chance, I think I would ask why it is that they supply the questions AND the answers. Are they allowed to ask questions of their own? If a question has never been answered in any of their books, does that mean it isn't an important question? Are the billions of people who have never heard of Jehovah not important to God?

    Perhaps I might try to explain to them the metaphor of the tempest in a teapot.

  • Vidiot

    steve2 - "Let's get this straight: You're handing me this tract to visit your website to request someone to visit me?"


  • Finkelstein

    I would take the tract but in return hand them a printed page of the BITE model identifiers for mind controling cults

    and ask them to read it through and see if their organization is a disingenuous mind controlling cult.

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