Why do Atheists Celebrate Christmas

by givemejustalittlemoretime 21 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • MadGiant

    Wait, I have a stupid question.

    Why christians celebrate Saturnalia?

    Roman pagans first introduced the holiday of Saturnalia, a week long period of lawlessness celebrated between December 17-25. During this period, Roman courts were closed, and Roman law dictated that no one could be punished for damaging property or injuring people during the weeklong celebration. The festival began when Roman authorities chose “an enemy of the Roman people” to represent the “Lord of Misrule.” Each Roman community selected a victim whom they forced to indulge in food and other physical pleasures throughout the week. At the festival’s conclusion, December 25th, Roman authorities believed they were destroying the forces of darkness by brutally murdering this innocent man or woman.

    In the 4th century CE, Christianity imported the Saturnalia festival hoping to take the pagan masses in with it. Christian leaders succeeded in converting to Christianity large numbers of pagans by promising them that they could continue to celebrate the Saturnalia as Christians.

    So, as I mentioned before, association.


  • OnTheWayOut

    If my family and the majority of my country decides to have a festive spirit and gift-exchange on or about December 25th, count me in.

    If they want to change the whole thing to January 14th, that would be okay too.

    I am not "in your face" about how Christianity is false. I leave such debate for the proper place like the internet and debate forums. I see nothing but "secular Christmas" where I go. So why not join the Christians in their pagan celebration.

  • prologos

    and why should they not?

    none of the Christmas celebrants of the age of reason believes in Santa Claus either, do they ?

    atheists are non-believers in God and Santa Claus, stands to reason.

    It is a nature festival after all, celebrating the shortest day of the year, one way or another.

  • cantleave

    Time off work with friends and family, eating and drinking - why wouldn't I celebrate? If there was an international day for celebrating the birth of Harry Potter I would join in.

  • jwfacts

    A person doesn't have to be a Christian in order to enjoy the Christmas season and it's festivities. Much of what we call 'Christmas' is derived from ancient Pagan roots, celebrating the Earth and it's seasons and cycles. There is a difference in celebrating the RELIGIOUS aspect of Christmas and in celebrating the CULTURAL traditions of the Christmas season. Exactly the same reasons apply to the celebrations of Easter and Halloween. A person doesn't have to be 'religious' to enjoy those traditions. Birthdays are viewed by JWs in a 'religious' context, as a negative event, whereas for MOST people birthdays are simply a happy and festive CULTURAL tradition.

    Excellent answer NavyTown.

  • WTWizard

    Christmas is more than just jesus. It did in fact predate Christi-SCAM-ity, and is intended to celebrate salvation through the reborn sun. That thing they call jesus was really modeled after the sun, and many people enjoy the partying, gift giving, having nice lights hanging up inside (and out), listening to Christmas music, and so on.

  • BluesBrother

    It is an excuse , and a custom, to party, be with family, over indulge and spend too much money.......

    What's not to like???

  • Doug Mason
    Doug Mason

    Some people in Australia, especially those holidaying in the mountains at the time, celebrate Christmas on July 25. Does that make it a religious holiday? Or is it beacuse there is snow around at the time?


  • Spectre

    Atheists don't celebrate Christmas! We wage a constant war on it.

    Fox News tells me this.

  • Terry

    Atheists celebrate Christmas for the same reason women fake orgasms.

    You pretend to have fun like the others and you don't have to fight about it.

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