Bro Sanderson has a 7 minute video up on their streaming website called "Be willing to open your hand".
In it he tells us not to be "tight fisted" or "stingy" and later "regardless of how much we have or how little we have, we'll find something within our power to be able to do". We have the responsibility to imitate Jehovah's generosity.
There's a bit about giving to one another when we see the need, which is nice, then he drops in how 20 years ago the Canada Branch Committee asked the bethel family for donations to the disaster relief fund, and promptly raised over $10,000. I think that's pretty good going for those under a vow of poverty.
"The generous person will prosper" he says, then illustrates this using a made up story. If you grab a handful of grain and form a tight fist, you don't get as much as if you use an open hand.
The camera angle means we rarely see any of his bling, and just to be certain, the cameraman zooms in a little bit more at the 2:00 mark.
Think I'll call Bethel and tell them I'm facing a temporary financial difficulty.
I know their answer would be to trust in Jehovah, stay warm and well fed.
Then they'd phone my elders to form an investigation.