Bill Cetnar who worked in the service department during the vaccine ban in the 50's had gone to one of the producers of vaccinations and found out they are not made from blood but from eggs instead. He immediately send a memo to N.H. Knorr informing him that there is no violation of blood by accepting vaccinations. He got no response from the President.
It took several years later to change the policy against vaccinations even though they knew witness kids and familes were suffering for not accepting vaccinations and blood was not involved.. As it was required to have those shots to travel abroad, N.H. Knorr and F.W. franz had to get those shots to oversee their religious scam cult and visit branches. So they changed the policy to a personal matter.
How many JW's died of Polio or other diseases because of this dangerous cult? No one knows because the WT don't care. Those figures will not appear in any WT publication.
Jim Jones killed around 1,000 of his cult members in Guyana. The Watchtower is resposible for hundreds of thousands of lives that have been needlessly lost or imprisoned because of their evil policies (blood ban, marriage ban in 1938, alternative service ban, organ transplant ban, malawi etc).
(you can find Bill Cetnar on youtube where he is interviewed on a TV show with other ex-JWs very insightful facts)