It would be interesting for a bunch of us to post this to FB and see if there's any reactions from still-in family members....just sayin...
JWs getting "Footloose" at the Kingdom Hall
by AndDontCallMeShirley 75 Replies latest watchtower bible
Well, they look like they should all audition for that TV show, "Witnesses Got Talent." Just sayin' (Is that a TV show, yet?)
LoisLane looking for Superman
@Nancy Drew: The guy who posted this on his FaceBook page, says that he is from Fort Worth, Texas. If you scroll down his page, he has a funny video in Spanish of a man in a gorilla suit, behind "bars" on the back of a truck.
(It's when they just suddenly do an about face without any explaination, it makes the restrictions we lived under and the sacrafices we made, look like a huge joke.)
It doesn't looks like a huge joke.
It's a huge joke in any sense possible!
It's just unbelievable...
Who could even imagine this in the 90's? Unless you was listening to a crazy speech about the dangers of that happening as a modern-day golden calf party.
I watched this video with a bittersweet feeling...
It's so insulting to all those (in or out) who sacrificed a LOT for the WT (now
At the same time it's a powerful validation of total decadence of WT (now
What an interesting time we are living... literally no country for old men...
Reminded me of a few poor gals in the 90s that had a HUGE problem with using the Kingdom Hall for weddings because a member of the wedding party was "on reproof". And of some families who couldn't use the hall for funerals because the deceased was not "in good standing". Guess Barn dancing is more HOLY.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Gobsmacked, confuzzled, and facepalmed.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx All at the same time.