Sorry my bad englich I Need the new book for pioners , edition 2014 ! in pdf or doc, please!
Pioner book 2014
by abner 22 Replies latest jw friends
I just hope to God that you aren't seriously thinking about pioneering!!!
My non-English is very bad but we stock no pioneer book. Do you mean our very popular pioussneer book?
How to look authentic and speak badly in 20 languages..
At the next meeting, I would recommend asking the Literature Department to place an order.
for two reason
1 I´m very, very couriose abaut "the news teathings"
2 diference with the old
""""At the next meeting, I would recommend asking the Literature Department to place an order.""""
the book is only for regular pionier curse , and I´m not a pioneer
Hey Li'l Abner, methinks you refer to pions; you know a quark + anti-quark. Pions are elite and can only exist for a short time, which is probably why they morph into Sneers, a conglomerate particle which has been observed in many congs. Easy to reproduce if handled from infancy.
Sorry me anglish bad not soso. Need direction plaise! How to fake bad anglish. Before give me thinks you.
in document or PDF form only please. I am running windows XP and am unable to process alternate variations.
I has bug dollar for any dumbo englush speekee . Sent bank number me peeze. Sunkooo.