Curiosity killed the cat
Just did you find Jehovah's Witness Net?
by cultBgone 44 Replies latest jw friends
A Circuit Assembly brought me here about 4 years ago...I lurked for all those years and then joined...slow I know don't laugh
I never thought of going on the Internet to get TATT, had that figured out a long time ago on solo. but
Trying to get details on the rumoured FADS forey to demote the Apostles at the General meeting had me click on the right links.
stayed to enjoy the company.
It started around 3 years ago. As a born-in I got curious and decided to Google "Jehovah's Witnesses" after years of being told not to Google "Jehovah's Witnesses". This was one of the first sites I visited, saw that many of the people posting here had allot of the same doubts I had and were viewing things the way I did. I felt very guilty at first, still believed in demunz and was sweating the whole time thinking that they would come out of the screen and grab me. After a while I began to think more rationally and logically about life, got a renewed interest in science and propaganda, and realised that the Watchtower is just making educated guesses like everyone else, and enforces dependency through the use of disfellowshipping and shunning etc. I got the courage to sign up around 2 years ago and visit this site every day!
Just over a year ago ... I found it by accident.
I was being a norty gal and 'studying' outside the borg literature.
I was in it for the Bible Study & knowledge, ( I know, what a joke) and the ethos of Christianity. But 'things' never felt right.
I followed a link first to the lambs site, I abhor child abuse, I was horrified. From there, I was lead here.
I was soooooooooooo scared, lmao, of this site, and battled my conscience and held to logic and reason. and i found the truth.
Thank you Simon, and everyone else here, who helped me get on the road to life, liberty and freedom.
Was lost, now found.
I was googling on points of research found in the Oct/Nov 2011 two-part article on When Ancient Jerusalem was Destroyed. I was trying to verify whether what they were saying was true on 607 BC. I found threads here that dissected them and upon careful verification, I found everything that posters here were saying was true.
I came across E Watchmans site and as he was still a JW, i thought it would be ok for me to read his stuff.. then I found a link on his site that I was terrified to go to as it might be apostate and it took me to JWD... I read everything for weeks and weeks I never told a soul. not even my husband for a long time.. I realized I was in a cult and the last meeting I walked out of I knew I would never ever go back.. I had to tell my kids that I was sorry I took them down that road.. no bdays, holidays. the whole mess of that life.. I am still on this board almost every day. I DA myself with letters to the elders and some close friends.. My life has been 100 percent better and i am so grateful that I am out of that cult!!!
Captain Obvious
I googled "jehovah's witnesses 607 bce"
And the rest, as they say, is history.
I started by googling Ray Franz.....I was an elder....but I was looking. I got CoC........eventually found this forum....I think it was around 2008?