I've been having some medical issues recently and had to check into the emgerceny hospital. When they admitted me the registar asked my mother my religion. She told them Jehovah's Witness. I have not been an active witness (field service and regular meeting attendance) since 1996. I also had no idea she told them this information. In my medical file I'm simply listed Christian.
While I was in my assigned room the nurse was hooking up my IVs and my mother, wife, and her friend was in the room. The surgeon was enroute to disucss my procedure. Then with no announcement a man pops in the room and says my name. "Oh, you are a Jehovah's Witnesses" For one I never understand this type of proclamation. Like you never see others enter a room or social setting exclaiming, hey you're a Baptist? Anyways, besides the over the top enter, the others in the room look confused including myself. I'm like how in the hell did they find me here? Then I noticed my mom get up and make a prompt exit.
I could tell my wife was upset because she doesn't like the religion at all and especially its opposition to traditions they label as pagan. She didn't know about their blood prohibition. I explained to this elder I am inactive for nearly 18 years and only attend meetings sporadically with my mother. Then he explained that I must still consider myself a witness since I listed myself as one and at that point is when I realized my mother must behind this.
This elder then ask me if I had the "blood card". That wasn't his words but I knew what he meant. I told him I again have not been active for nearly 18 years and do not want to discuss this further since I'm in pain. I told him my procedure will not require blood but if it did then I will let my wife make the decision. He left and then came back 5 minutes later. After the second time I started telling him about the recent changes in teachings and including the blood doctrine changes. He left for good that time. I was so mad at my mother. I was in the hospital for six days and was visited two more times by two different elders. They were nice men and sincere but I was in no mood for conversation. If this is their method of convinicing the lost sheep to return they need help in the marketing department. My wife is now more opposed than ever.
The hospital is a small one with almost no security so it was difficult for them to enforce no visitors. Well, actually the hospital in general is poorly managed and my entire week was terrible. Good thing is I'm home and will return to work in a week. I'm glad I have a decent job that pays me while I'm on a leave.