A lot of members of this forum are still notionally active JWs, in many cases because of worries about the loss of contact with family and friends if they were to leave. I was never in so it's hard for me to judge, but it seems to me that if the Watchtower org were to announce tomorrow that shunning is wrong and JWs should keep contact with family and friends who leave then the effect would be devasting for congregation numbers. If so then obviously such an announcement is highly unlikely, but is my view correct? What would the effect be if there were no shunning?
If there were no shunning ...
by bemused 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
the congregations would haemorrhage members
I've wondered the same thing myself. As we've noticed, some would likely go back because of friends and family, even though they know it is pure BS. Some would leave and begin living their own lives. Some would stay and live their own lives (college, sex, etc.).
The Borg won't do anything that doesn't have a net positive effect for itself, as organizations are egoist. All 3 of these scenarios would appear to have a negative impact on the Dark Lords' ability to control the rank and file and maintain overall order.
As long as they are experiencing a net increase - even if it is based on 3rd world growth - that isn't likely to occur. Growth is a sign Jah is favoring them. They might place sheer numbers (growth) above control, but I doubt it. They have shown a century long tendency to desire control over everything. They will simply re-group, circle the wagons and tell everyone it is a 'cleansing' directed by Jah.
There is one thing I believe could bring about farily substantial changes in the Borg quickly: $$$. If the wealthy countries stopped sending them $ and they had to begin paying for the O&M day to day costs out of their own savings, they might address the shunning. My bet is they have already identified these scenarios and have a list of things they will roll out. It is likely that ending DFing is not on it, as that would provide them the least amount of control. And control is Optimus Prime to the Dark Lords.
Relaxing college, sports, entertainment, etc. and allowing more personal freedom of conscience is more likely their strategy, IMHO.
If there was no shunning enforced, I would DA myself and continue to attend meetings ocasionaly with my wife, for the sake of keeping in touch with friends.
That won't be happening, unfortunately. The WTS doesn't have the balls to let go of that powerful card.
I think if there were no shunning - and even better if they stopped the door to door service - people would drift back. Many religions are not only about what is taught - it is about the fellowship and sense of community you get from it. There is a social aspect to any religion that plays heavily into many people as it builds traditions and cohesion and a great many people enjoy it and feel they need it. For that reason, I think many people would return as it becomes less about punishment and more about inclusion. sw
Family & friends are used as weapons,
they sure the hell are not going to toss
that anytime soon!!!!
bemused - "If there were no shunning..."
...there'd be a mass exodus.
Years of habit and indoctrination is a powerful thing. It would take a while for JWs to switch gears and there would still be oldtimers and fanatics that still would shun.
Yeah, I wouldn't be surpised if I lived to see the day when the WTS ostensibly ends shunning (probably to comply with a law that would put their charity status in jepardy) but would instead make it a "conscience matter" and quote a bunch of scriptures (out of context) in support of continued shunning.
There's no way they'd actually fully back away from shunning, and even if they did, anyone who's ever shunned anyone already would almost certainly continue to do so, just because they'd be unable to bear the realization that they inflicted so much pain upon themselves and others for absolutely no reason.
Island Man
I think about 1/5 would leave the organization.