The oldest in tact bible found is the codex voronicus, (miss spelled) and the oldest writings ever found were the Greek Septuagint written by Jews in Alexandria. Both of these collections of writings included the apocryphal and other writings like chapters and other verses of Daniel not included in the JW bible. So the question one must ask, is if your a bible believer how can you just throw out these writings, because reading these additional writings will change your understanding of what you have learned?. And can you really attribute these changes to the bible as the workings of the holyspirit since these books were included until after the protestant reformation and those that are not protestants still have these writings and there's over a billion non protestants, so how is this justified?
some thing to consider for bible believers
by Crazyguy 17 Replies latest watchtower bible
This is a subject that I've been giving a lot of thought to lately; I'm really interested in it, but right now I'm ignorant about it. As a JW, I didn't have time to research such. I honestly believe that's one of the main reasons (if not the main reason) the org keeps JWs so busy - so they won't have time to question and research such things.
Crazyguy (or anybody else), please, if you have any book recommendations on the subject, list them.
Obviously the light got brighter for Jehovah's true servants among the early protestants, and they realized that they needed to throw out part of the bible. I wonder what the next scriptures to be discarded in the next revision of the NWT will be. It's always so exciting to throw out part of God's Word once we get new light. We just have to make sure to keep up with Jehovah's Organization and mark out those scriptures until we can get a new copy that doesn't have them at all!
As a JW, the only way I could think about this topic was by trying to ignore it and assuming that Jehovah was guiding the process, even when secular/catholic/whoever authorities where behind the changes.
OneEyedJoe - I, too, as JW just figured that Jah was guiding the process.
Good point. (Just a correction the oldest biblical text actually dates to around 600BCE... It is lines of the priestly belssing un Numbers 6.)
As to the books mentioned:
Chronicles-Ezra/Nehemiah are incomplete without 1 Maccabees and many schoolars note that they were a collection. together.
The Book of Enoch is quotes in Jude and the comoslogy of Revelation follows Enoch.
2 Maccabees is alluded to in Hebrews
The council of NICEA took the ancient scrolls ( that were made up ) and decided which scrolls would form the authority of their new soul-sucking cult of Xianity. It worked so well that Xians Cults are still going strong and regarding mankinds development.
Doug Mason
Pages 22 to 31 of my Study
list allusions and references in the NT wriitngs to non-canonical Hebrew writings (1 Enoch, Sirach, Wisdom of Solomon, etc., etc.)
(The above page numbers refer to the document's page numbers; the page numbers of the PDF file are 27 to 36)
I would not worry about it . The written word is just a testimony about Jesus . The living word is what is true. That living word is inside you of which the Holy SPiirt will testify to . Him in us and us in him. He himself will teach you all truth.
I read as much of those early writings as possible.
So far this is one of the most profound things I have found, (in the Epistle of Barnabus (codex sinaiticus)):
11:1 Let us inquire, therefore, if the Lord cared to
show us beforehand concerning the water and concerning
the cross. Concerning the water it is written, with
respect to Israel, how that they will not receive the
baptism that bringeth remission of sins, but will
establish one for themselves.That is exactly what the JWs have done!
Invented a baptism for themselves.
Barnabus however, is quoting yet another text because he says above; "Concerning the water it is written".
Does anyone know what text he is quoting?
Need some help with this.