Integ- I can understand the feeling your mom had and the feeling of embarrassment bought on by this type of scandal. I'm not sure of your mom's background but as for me, I was just beginning to study with JW's when the scandal came out about the catholic priest. My mom tried to convince me to reconsider catholicism but it did not sit well with me. I remember talking about it with my study conductor, hearing comments at the hall about it, and maybe reading the JW critism on paedephiles within the magazines. this is part of what lead me to believe that the witnesses had he "truth". so for JWs hear about this type of scandal within the organization is heartbreaking.
I just hope the CNN story touches on the internal coverup across the organization, so that it doesn't come across that there only a few bad apples.
Also, I imagine the excuse that, we are getting close to the end and, times are getting to be so bad that it's now starting to affect JWs. They did something like this at the convention when they mentioned how years ago, you would rarely hear about JWs getting a divorce but now it's happening more often.