Jesus 1000 years and Satan's 1000 years in the abyss

by berrygerry 24 Replies latest watchtower bible

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    1916 "The Bible chronology herein presented shows that the six great 1000 year days beginning with Adam are ended, and that the great 7th Day, the 1000 years of Christ's Reign, began in 1873." (The Time Is At Hand, Foreword, p 2, 1916)

    1917 Pastor Russell's mission, in large part, was to advise Christendom of its impending end, in the time of world-wide trouble. It is the Divine judgment upon the nations. … There will be no chance of escaping from destruction, through the nations. … The trouble is due to the dawning of the Day of Christ, the Millennium. It is the Day of Vengeance, which began in the world war of 1914 and which will break like a furious morning storm in 1918." (The Finished Mystery, 1917, p. 404)

    The Millenium Prophecies

    1. The Millenium began in 1873. (Thy Kingdom Come, page 305).

  • Apognophos

    It is the Day of Vengeance, which began in the world war of 1914 and which will break like a furious morning storm in 1918.

    Excuse me?! That sounds like a doomsday prophecy for 1918. Am I misunderstanding something?

  • rjharris

    One assumes Christs rule began in 1914. (According to the Second Adventist and later the Watch Tower).

    Jesus said that this is not knowable. (Matthew 24:36, Matthew 24:42 and Acts 1:7)

    Think: Why is someone trying so hard to eatablish 1914 as the date Christ took kingdom power in spite of what Jesus said above? Answer: To mislead you.

    At present Christ stands at his Father right-hand side awaiting patiently to be given his kingdom of 1000 years. (This is the sign mention at Matthew 24:30. See Matthew 24:3)

    At present, the nations are doing as THEY please. It is a hands-off time period and God is not interfering in the affairs of mankind. Neither is the Devil. Mankind has enough evil to wreak havoc all over the earth. One cannot even blame the Devil for what is occurring at present. Did Cain blame the Devil when he slew his Brother Abel? No! Mankind today is infected and is an evil, murderous, unfaithful and drunkened lot. We exist in what is called the Appointed Times of the Nations.

    Christs installment as earths king is afar off.

    Satan to this very day still has full access to the heavens just as he did back in Jobs day. He has not yet been abyssed because Christ has not been given his kingdom by his Father. The war between Michael and his angels and the Dragon and his angels has not occurred yet either. In fact, NOTHING in the Book of Revelation has had a start of being fulfillled.

    The revelation by Jesus Christ that GOD GAVE HIM is a warning about the events that will occur on earth AFTER Christ 1000 year kingdom ends and Satan is un-Abyssed.

    What has (and is) misleading so many today is that they are attempting to make the events spoken of in the "Revelation by Jesus Christ that God gave him" into our time period today. The pieces (events) do not fit and the time (figs in the trees) are not ripe.

    Many are looking in the wrong time period.

    R.Jerome Harris

  • Listener

    You are right Apognophos, it is a doomsday prophecy for 1918. I found the quote on a list of failed prophecies. It was written in 1917.

    I was trying to answer Berrygerry's question

    Okay, I found a 78 WT which says that the 1000 year reign did not begin in 1914, but begins at Armageddon.

    What was taught regarding this pre-1914 (or should I bother asking)?

    The quote establishes the fact that at one time they were not teaching Jesus' 1,000 year millenial reign begins at Armageddon but had already commenced. The quote does do that

    The trouble is due to the dawning of the Day of Christ, the Millennium. It is the Day of Vengeance, which began in the world war of 1914 and which will break like a furious morning storm in 1918

    They were teaching that this was the dawn of the Golden Age which was the start of the Jesus' millenial rule which also coincided with the start of Jesus second presence and his Kingdom rule.

    They changed their ideas from his millenial reign beginning in 1873 to 1914, then later they changed their idea of what 1914 represented. They maintained that it was the start of Jesus' kingdom rulership (but not his millenial rullership) and that it was now invisible presence, that is, it only occcurred in the heavenly realm.

    It was all tied into their prophicies as to what was happening both on earth and in heaven. Each time their prophicies failed they came up with new light that altered their understanding of what supposedly occurred on certain dates. As we know, to this day, they continue with the teaching that 1914 had some significance but has evolved greatly from what they were initially teaching.

  • Apognophos

    You are right Apognophos, it is a doomsday prophecy for 1918. I found the quote on a list of failed prophecies. It was written in 1917.

    Intriguing. I don't recall reading about that before.

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