As my loving but weary JW mother said to me on many occasions during my very bumpy ride as a Witness: "Just look at what you started...I honestly despair!" She'd then ruin her half-hearted judgement by giving me a hug. I was a disappointment but I never doubted her love.
Will reserrected Gays and Lesbians have to give up homosexuality in order to stay in the new system?
by booker-t 23 Replies latest jw friends
Unless they have changed their belief from when I went, they teach that sexuality of any type will be a thing for the past for the resurrected.
People in New World would not have sexual impulses, so there will not be any sexual desires. So not to worry if you are gay or bi or straight, no sex for you in New World.
If pressed, I'm sure JWs will say that dead gay people will be resurrected into the new system, but they will have to completely change to being either asexual or straight if they are to survive the final test at the end of the thousand year reign. And as others have said, some may well be destroyed before the thousand years end. What I have to tell myself is that nothing the Witnesses teach or believe about the Kingdom of God has any real chance of being true.