:I'm going through the forehead smacking phase of WT recovery.
:How could I ever have believed this stuff? (smack!)
:And for so long? (smack!)
:Why didn't I investigate properly sooner? (smack! smack!)
I, like yourself, and so many others, have known nothing but, mother borg. I am only now after 30+ years, asking myself these very questions. While talking to somebody the other night, ( :) ) I said, I have had concerns and doubts for a long time. I have not investigated or pursued these doubts, as most of us are taught that to do so is a "bad thing". There is something that I have known is bothering me. I have not in many years been able to put a finger on it. I am only now starting my quest for truth. I have not done so much reading in years as I have in the last month. I am thirsty for knowledge. I cannot quench this thirst. I know someday soon, I will find what it is that disturbs me most and it will then be as plain as day. Until then I am reading, lurking looking, and studying. I will find it. The Truth is out there. And in the words of Mulder....
trust no one :)