I've had an nde but there were no people in it. I believed in jw religion at the time, but I was ok to tell others about it because it didn't involve a glimpse of an afterlife. If it did, I may never have continued my study with jws. Damn.
Why are there NO articles about JW near death experiences and death bed visions?
by freeatlast36 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Sorry to hear of your loss my friend.
As noted above, the JW's are not allowed to believe in such things so they don't.
I had a UFO experience when I was a JW and rationalised it away. When I say UFO I literally mean Unidentified Flying Object. I'm not saying it was little green men because it was unidentified but it gave me the sh1ts.
I also had a UFO experience. My elder friend said it was demons trying to confuse us. My response was, "If Satan truly wanted to confuse us he would land a block wide UFO in the middle in Time Square during rush hour instead of messing with me. If Satan is the God of this system there is no way I could be smarter than him to come up with an idea like that." Lets just say he was speechless.
Along the same lines, what about "connected" experiences, such as siblings who intrinsically know the other one is in trouble, or has even died? That seems to happen with twins, but it has even happened with siblings. I know of one JW sister who knew when her fleshly brother died before she was even told. She said she just had this unexplainable feeling that something terrible happened to him. It's not something JWs talk about much, either.
I also had a UFO experience. My elder friend said it was demons trying to confuse us. - Theredeemer
Now this encapsulates it for me. Not just the UFO thing but the whole concept of credulity.
The WBT$ says!
Therefore the R&F deny or turn off any ability to be receptive to such inexplicable things maybe? I dunno. the thing that remains is that the R&F do not have permission to believe anything other than: Paradise Earth, give money to the WBT$, DO MORE DO MORE DO MORE, Jehovah(tm) is god, give money to the WBT$, you are not good enough like the most holy GB are, paedophiles are better than you and you must give money to the WBT$ who will protect them and then Jehovah(tm) might bless you....and so on.....
The JW religion is a rather materialist faith in many ways and so they don’t really believe the soul is a different thing from the body. This being the case, the resurrection happens at some future time for them and so dead is dead until that time. I had an aunt that died in hospital and I saw an interesting light at the time of her death at home, where I was as a young 8 or 9 year old. A few minutes later the hospital rang and told us that she had just died. The JWs teach that Satan is responsible for such things in order to peddle the lie that “you certainly will not die” as per Genesis. Their reasoning isn’t very convincing considering the good effects these experiences tend to bestow on family members. There is a whole range of good reasoning that Satan would not be responsible for such things. For many, such experiences prove that the supernatural is a real thing, which would not be in Satan’s interest, and so on.
Those Near Death Experiences are simply the brain hallucinating or dream.
As for these dead people communicating and UFOs, I will believe in it when I experience it.
Lots of things happen that those experiencing can't explain. That doesn't imply any supernatural agency, just demonstrates how easy it is to fool ourselves,after all this is why eyewitness testimony is so unreliable..